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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

With Families Coming Home for the Holidays, AAA and Travelers Aid Offer Tips to Avoid Delays, Confusion at the Airports

Surveys Find Florida Consumers Have Less to Spend for Christmas

United States Urges Sudan to Agree to Peacekeeping Plan

Prominent China Christian Human Rights Defenders Visit US

Monday, November 20, 2006

Univ. of Colorado Censors Christmas Parties

USDA Offers Tips on Safe and Easy Thanksgiving Cooking

Special Press Briefing on Sudan

Fighting Like a Girl or Boy Determined by Gene in Fruit Flies

Sri Lanka: Unsure Future for Displaced People

Remarks by President Bush to the Press Pool After Tour of Pasteur Institute

National Bible Week Launched by 5000 billboards: 'An educated person knows the Bible. Read the Research'

Standard Newswire to Profit from PR Newswire's Purchase of US Newswire

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Remarks by President Bush and Russian President Putin

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Remarks by President Bush After Attending Church Service

Opinion: 3 Men and Eternity; November 22, 1963

Remarks by President Bush and Japanese Prime Minister Abe in Photo Opportunity

Text of President Bush's Radio Address to the Nation for November 18, 2006

Friday, November 17, 2006

Remarks of President Bush in an Exchange of Toasts at State Banquet

Thanksgiving Day, 2006 -- By the President of the United States of America; A Proclamation

National Family Week, 2006 -- By the President of the United States of America; A Proclamation

Remarks by President Bush in Photo Opportunity with President Nguyen Minh Triet of Vietnam

Thursday, November 16, 2006

CWA Urges Senate to Confirm Ambassador Bolton

Celebrity Adoption vs. Real Need -- Expert Available

Remarks by President Bush and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore in an Exchange of Toasts

Remarks by President Bush at National Singapore University

U.S. Marine Toys for Tots Accepts Jesus Doll

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Jack Abramoff Begins Service of Sentence

Warehouse Workers and American Red Cross Support Integral to Success of Flood Relief in Ethiopia

Competitiveness of Nations; Global Study Examines Competitiveness of 121 Countries, Including U.S., India, China

Nov. 20 U.N. Presentation Spotlights Pope Benedict's Book, 'Christianity and the Crisis of Cultures'

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