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Friday, April 13, 2007

Church Events a Growing Boon to Local Economies, Study Finds

Remarks by President Bush at National Catholic Prayer Breakfast

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Remarks by the President After Meeting on No Child Left Behind Reauthorization

YMCA of San Francisco Hosts Inaugural 'You Belong at the Y' Open House Event

MSF is Responding to Cholera Outbreaks in Somalia

Christian Defense Coalition Condemns the Selective Morality of the Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton Concerning the Don Imus Controversy

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Statement by President Bush

Have You Driven Ford Crazy Lately?

CWA: Breaking Homosexual 'Silence' with Truth

New Database Tracks State and National Legislation on Caregiving

Solomon Islands Earthquake and Tsunami Response -- Rehabilitation Activities and Plans

Texas Freedom Network's Political Agenda

HLI Strongly Condemns Portugal Abortion Move

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

MIM President Responds to NY Daily News' Warning About Overreacting to Radio Shock Jock Imus' Latest Insult

Remarks by President Bush on the Iraq War Supplemental

How Radical Activists Invaded, Conquered America's Newsrooms

Governments Exaggerated the Percentage of Homosexuals in the General Population

Solomon Islands: Reports from the Field

US Senate Would Force Christians to Pay for the Destruction of Innocent Life with Tax-Funding of Embryonic Stem Research

Solomon Islanders Living in Fear of the 'Next Tsunami'

Why Do Women Earn Less Than Men? Two Vanderbilt Economists Explain This Persistent Issue and Show Which Professions Are Worst at Pay Parity

Monday, April 09, 2007

Christian Medical Association Doctors Tag U.S. Senate Stem Cell Bill as a Path to Turn Human Embryos and Women into Commodities

Remarks by President Bush on Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Remarks by President Bush to the Travel Pool

Texas Mom Fights Hospital Death Sentence to Save Son's Life

How Do the Rules of Immunity Change During Chronic Infections? Study Finds an Altered Immune Response to Viruses Like HIV and Hepatitis C

Evangelical Leader Back from Sudan and Darfur Mission

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Remarks by President Bush to the Travel Pool

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Radio Address by President Bush to the Nation

Friday, April 06, 2007

400th Anniversary of Jamestown, 2007 --By the President of the United States of America; A Proclamation

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