Judicial Watch Uncovers New FDA Records Detailing Deaths in 1,824 Adverse Reaction Reports Related to HPV Vaccine
Judicial Watch Sues FDA for Producing "Partial Response" to FOIA Request
Contact: Jill Farrell, Judicial Watch, 202-646-5188
"20-Jun-2007: Information has been received...concerning a 17 year old female who in June 2007...was vaccinated with a first dose of Gardasil...During the evening of the same day, the patient was found unconscious (lifeless) by the mother. Resuscitation was performed by the emergency physician but was unsuccessful. The patient subsequently died."
"12-Jun-2007: Information has been received...concerning a 12 year old female with a history of aortic and mitral valve insufficiency...who on 01-MAR-2007 was vaccinated IM into the left arm with a first does of Gardasil...On 01-MAR-2007 the patient presented to the ED with ventricular tachycardia and died."
"28-Aug-2007: Initial and follow-up information has been received from a physician concerning an "otherwise healthy" 13 year old female who was vaccinated with her first and second doses of Gardasil. Subsequently, the patient experienced…paralysis from the chest down, lesions of the optic nerve...At the time of the report, the patient had not recovered."
From May 10 to September 7, 2007, the 1,824 adverse vaccination reactions reported to the FDA via the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) included 347 serious reactions. Of the 77 women who received the vaccine while pregnant, 33 experienced side effects ranging from spontaneous abortion to fetal abnormities. Other serious side effects continue to be reported including, paralysis, Bells Palsy, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and seizures.
"In light of this information, it is disturbing that state and local governments might mandate in any way this vaccine for young girls," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "These adverse reaction reports suggest the vaccine not only causes serious side effects, but might even be fatal."
Judicial Watch filed its request on August 20, 2007, and received the adverse event reports from the FDA on September, 13 2007. (On October 3, 2007, Judicial Watch filed a new lawsuit against the FDA for its failure to fully respond to Judicial Watch's FOIA request as required by law.) Judicial Watch has posted its lawsuit and the adverse event reports and deaths reported to VAERS on its Internet site, www.judicialwatch.org.