Contact: Stephen Bennett, www.TheParentsGroup.com, 203-926-6960
HUNTINGTON, Conn., Oct. 8 /Standard Newswire/ -- Stephen Bennett, President of Stephen Bennett Ministries, Inc., is pleased to announce the official worldwide launch of a brand new, Web 2.0 private support community for parents and families of homosexuals - www.TheParentsGroup.com.
www.TheParentsGroup.com (TPG) is the brainchild of Stephen Bennett, a former homosexual, now married almost 15 years to his wife Irene. The couple has been ministering full-time to parents of homosexual men and women for over seven years.
"So many parents and families are broken hearted that their child has ended up down a path they never would have expected. We provide these grieving individuals with the support and tools to understand the issue of homosexuality from a biblical, Christian perspective. It's a fine line one learns to walk on exhibiting unconditional love to their child or family member, without condoning the acceptance of their homosexual lifestyle.
"Parents and family members can now apply to join a private, safe community where others are going through exactly the same trials. TPG Members can share their stories, interact with other parents and family members, and express their feelings without condemnation. www.TheParentsGroup.com is a haven of hope and encouragement for those who are hurting. TPG is one of the most unique, tight knit, online communities out there dealing with the issue of homosexuality," said Bennett.
www.TheParentsGroup.com is part of the new "Web 2.0 Revolution" - offering its members a host of new applications and services, including their own personal blog with audio and video capabilities, a place to upload and share personal photo albums and videos, and also participate in live audio and video community chats.
TPG Members can participate in daily and weekly community LIVE prayer, teleconferencing, create their own personal member web pages and so much more. TPG Members can view online teaching videos, listen to and download a variety of testimonies and audio resources on the issue of homosexuality, plus so much more.
www.TheParentsGroup.com is self governed by its community members - Christian parents and families with homosexual loved ones. Parents who have lost a homosexual child to HIV/AIDS find and give support here at TPG, as well as married couples with a spouse struggling with homosexuality, and even former homosexual men and women.
TPG is one of the most unique, interactive, private Christian support communities online, offering support and encouragement 24 hours a day.
Pastors, ministers, parents and others are welcome to apply for membership in this new private community.
www.TheParentsGroup.com is a fee based service utilizing the innovative technology of www.iGrOOps.com, one of the fastest growing Web 2.0 Community/Group providers on the internet. Members accepted into the TPG community pay a monthly fee of only $15 for membership dues.
For further information about www.TheParentsGroup.com or to schedule an interview with the community's founder, Stephen Bennett, please call TPG at (203) 926-6960. www.TheParentsGroup.com's National Offices are based out of