Monday, May 07, 2012
Heroic Media Launches National Pro-Life 'Call for Help' Campaign on Black Entertainment Television
Those Who Disrupted Obama at Notre Dame will be at Georgetown for Sebelius
Maddow's Tape-Twisting Prompted Death Threats Against Preacher Bradlee Dean
PFOX Wins Lawsuit Against Anti-Ex-Gay Extremist
Friday, May 04, 2012
Prison Minister/Author Asks Christians -- 'Which One is it... Preterism or Futurism?'
Jon Stewart's History of Bigotry
Thursday, May 03, 2012
Prayer Vigil and Demonstration in Support of Chen Guangcheng to be Held in Front of White House
Chen Guangcheng to President Obama: 'Get Our Whole Family Out'
Pence: America is a Nation of Prayer
Wednesday, May 02, 2012
Zeng Jinyan: Chen Guangcheng Talked to Me -- What Media Reported is Wrong
Denault Named Communications Director for Mike Pence for Indiana
Catholic Group Responds to Obama's Desperate Attempt to 'Dismiss' Lawsuit Against ObamaCare
Chen Guangcheng's Rescuer Needs to be Rescued: He Peirong
Tuesday, May 01, 2012 Launches Boycott of Best Buy for Funding Organization with Terror Links
Chen Guangcheng: An Open Letter to President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton and Ambassador Locke
Monday, April 30, 2012
World Vision Advocates Launch Global Campaign Urging World Leaders to Build #HungerFree World
Pray for Christians and Churches Under Fire, Urges WCC
MAF Dedicates Missionary Plane for Service in Haiti
Boycott Ends: PepsiCo Will Not Use Aborted Fetal Cell Lines for Flavor Enhancers
Friday, April 27, 2012
The REAL War Against Women -- Forced Abortion and Gendercide in China
Silent No More Awareness Campaign Fights the Real 'War Against Women'
Thursday, April 26, 2012
41% of Churches Fail to Train Staff and Volunteers in Child Sexual Abuse Prevention
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