Contact: Georgann Chenault, 859-281-0003,
LEXINGTON, Ky., Oct. 3, 2012 /Standard Newswire/ -- A new e-book reveals what the Bible has always contained but could not be clearly seen until the digital age. A graphic designer has published some of her findings in Biblical Creation: An Illustrated Autobiography and says the time has come. "Several of Christianity's core beliefs may well have remained classified as purely subjective without the personal computer," says Georgann Chenault, a Christian convert since 1984.
In her first book on the subject, Ms. Chenault introduces work from her 27-year exploration of the Bible's account of Creation from a diagrammatic perspective. "Graphics allowed me to avoid translation and definition conundrums and the bottomless pit of talking about time so I could concentrate on loftier concerns. The computer allowed me to identify those concerns."
Conspicuous numbers, lists and dates in the Bible reveal diagrammatic constructs that illuminate the text in striking and unexpected ways. Strings of dates, such as the chronology from Adam to Moses entering the Land of Promise, were a big motivator. "Doesn't everyone want to know why this information was included?" Several complex diagrams merge on an overall Creation plan diagram. "Fortunately the iPad and Kindle Fire allow you to enlarge graphics to view detail."
"It's startling to realize that these diagrams were intended to lock together to reveal a much fuller Creation plan than what is outlined in the Days of Genesis. And we were meant to see this now."
The book shows an 8th Day in the Creation plan and explains that what many insist on billing as the end of the world is when God comes to live with man as foretold in the book of Revelation. "God didn't say He was finished in Genesis."
"The graphics approach eliminated the need for lengthy explanations or scholarly references. So, it's a book that's short on intellectual verbiage but long on conspicuous connections with some heavy, supernatural implications."
Ms. Chenault acknowledges her work may stun both Christians and non-Christians since it could mute the hostile dialogue between strict evolutionists and young earth creationists. "The Bible's diagrams show where they've both veered off course."
Her eBook title is available in Apple's iBookstore and Amazon's Kindle store. Direct links are at
Recognized religion writers and seminary heads are provided with a link to a free PDF version upon email requests.