Contact: Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, 540-538-4741
WASHINGTON, Sept. 27, 2012 /Standard Newswire/ -- Individuals and groups to speak out against President Obama's HHS Mandate which forces people of faith and conscience to violate their deeply held religious beliefs and core values.
The event, which is called Actsfive29, will be held in Lafayette Park Saturday, September 29 through Tuesday, October 2.
Go to or for more information.
The issue of religious freedom and the HHS Mandate will play a critical role in the upcoming Presidential election and is a major voting issue for Catholics and Evangelicals.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, states:
"For the faith community, we can never be silent or indifferent when it comes to matters of justice, human rights and religious freedom. As people of principle and faith, we must purpose in our hearts that we will never comply with an unjust or immoral government mandate which would require us to violate our conscience, the teachings of the Scriptures and the historic teachings of the Church.
"We want to make it clear to President Obama and all public officials that we would rather spend time in jail that to be forced into complying with a mandate that crushes religious freedom."
Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, adds,
"Therefore our reaction to the HHS Mandate is not only in the press, in the courts, and in the Congress. It is, should be, and will be in the streets. Civil disobedience must be part of the response."
Kristina Garza, Campus Outreach Director for Survivors, states,
"As a practicing Catholic, I am stunned that President Obama would show such a profound disrespect for religious freedom, civil liberties and the First Amendment.
"I agree with Cardinal Dolan when he says, 'No government has the right to intrude into the affairs of the Church, much less coerce, the Church faithful to engage or cooperate in any way with immoral practices. It is the place of the Church, not of government to define religious identity.'
"Mr. President do not tell us how to live our faith."
Schedule of events:
Saturday, September 29:
5:00 P.M. Civil disobedience and arrests in front of the White House. (Pennsylvania Ave. Side.)
Sunday, September 30:
12:00 P.M. Hundreds praying the Rosary in Lafayette Park led by Father Pavone of Priest for Life.
1:30-3:30 P.M. Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally in Lafayette Park
4:00 P.M. Civil disobedience and arrests in front of the White House.
Monday and Tuesday, October 1-October 2
12:00 P.M. Civil disobedience and arrests in front of the White House.
For more information or interviews call:
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney at 540.538.4741