Friday, June 08, 2007
While Attention is Focused on Darfur, An Emergency Situation is Unfolding in Eastern Chad
Study Finds Genetically Engineered Crops Could Play a Role in Sustainable Agriculture
Planned Parenthood Budget Continues to Rise, But Pace Slows
'Ocean's 13' Cast and Producer Donate $750,000 to Oxfam Through the 'Not On Our Watch' Initiative
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Statement by the President Regarding Embryonic Stem Cell Bill
Scarborough Judges Fred Thompson's Wife By Porn Standards
Remarks of President Bush and President Vladimir Putin of Russia in Photo Opportunity
Polygamy, Polyamory and Same-Sex 'Marriage' to be Opposed at Rally on Saturday
Foreign Operator of Obscene Web Sites Pleads Guilty of Obscenity Charges
Ambassador Tony Hall Warns of Food Shortages in North Korea
Remarks by President Bush and Prime Minister Blair of the United Kingdom in Photo Opportunity
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Remarks by President Bush and Japanese Prime Minister Abe
Remarks of President Bush in Roundtable with Travel Pool (Part 1 of 2)
Remarks of President Bush in Roundtable with Travel Pool (Part 2 of 2)
Remarks by President Bush and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Photo Opportunity
State of California Fails to Tax Big Alcohol for Underage Drinking
Strong Quake Hits Ning?er County, South Western China
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
'We Need Alan Keyes for President' Website Launched
Remarks by President Bush in Prague, Czech Republic
Displaced Palestinian Refugees to Receive More Support
Monday, June 04, 2007
CNN Presidential Forum on Faith, Values and Poverty 'A Sham'
Medical Journal: Flawed Study Underestimated Breast Cancer Risk of Abortion
Terri Schiavo: An Indelible Impact
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