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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Groups Ask Justice Dept. to Enforce Abortion Ban at NJ Clinic

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Coalition Warns Texas Legislators: Taxpayers, Insurance Consumers Pay for Abortion Risks - Breast Cancer, Premature Birth -- Coalition Asks, 'Why Fund Planned Parenthood?'

Remarks by President Bush Prior to Meeting with Bipartisan and Bicameral Congressional Leadership

Statement by President Bush on Supreme Court Decision on Partial-Birth Abortion

Brownback Applauds Supreme Court Decision to Uphold Partial Birth Abortion Ban

National Pro-life Action Center on Court's Decision to Uphold the Ban on Partial Birth Abortions

World Trade Center Memorial Foundation Announces Major Progress in Effort to Build Memorial and Museum

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Remarks by President Bush at Virginia Tech Memorial Convocation

Media Violence and School Shootings; Is There a Connection?

U.S. Funds Expansion of Emergency Hospital Wing in Sudan

Honoring the Victims of the Tragedy at Virginia Tech; By the President of the United States of America -- A Proclamation

Confronting Gender-Based Violence in Central Africa

Stanford Business School Research: Wage Imbalance Between CEO and Workers Sends a Bad Message

Clergyman Who Ministered to Amish Victims Calls for Prayer After College Shooting

Monday, April 16, 2007

Statement by President Bush on Shootings at Virginia Tech

Statement of Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales on Shooting Spree at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)

NBC Universal Rejoins NAB

U.S. Provides Flood Assistance to Zambia

Remarks by President Bush on the Iraq War Supplemental

Illinois Family Institute Calls for Boycott of Homosexual 'Day of Silence'

'There's a Lot of Fish in the Sea,' and IRC Helps Aceh Fishing Communities Catch Them

Concerning the Comments of Talk Show Host Don Imus -- A Statement by Dr. Alveda King

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Statement by President Bush on Jackie Robinson

Radio Address by President Bush to the Nation

Friday, April 13, 2007

TBN Seeks Next Generation of Faith and Family Friendly Programming by Inspiring Producers with Challenging 'INNOVATE' Contest

President and Mrs. Bush Release 2006 Tax Return

Project HOPE Introduces HOPEfest: A Reason to Party for a Cause

Link Solutions, Inc. Appoints CEO

Remarks by the President After Meeting with Parochial Education Leaders and Parents

Abstinence Education Programs Proven Effective

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