Friday, July 20, 2007
Statement by the President on the Global War on Terror
Vick Dog Fighting Scandal 'Reminds Me of Other Cruelty' Says Dr. Alveda King
Christian Banner Flies Over San Diego 'Gay Pride' Parade Saturday:
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Dalit Case Before India's Supreme Court Again Today
Senator Obama and Epidemic of Violence -- Day Gardner of National Black Pro-Life Union Comments
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Remarks by President Bush after Meeting with the Import Safety Working Group
Remarks by President Bush after Roundtable on Health Care
Urban Clothing Line to Sponsor Top Gospel Show
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Remarks by the President at Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony Honoring Dr. Norman Borlaug
The Minnesota Supreme Court Overturns Convictions of Pro-Lifers Who Held Graphic Signs
Annual 'Friend or Foe' Graduation Prayer Campaign Finishes Fifth Successful Season
Monday, July 16, 2007
Remarks by the President on the Middle East
Remarks by President Bush and President Kaczynski, of the Republic of Poland in Photo Opportunity
Hearing over Gvt Records for Agents Ramos and Compean
Remarks by the President at a White House Tee Ball Game
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Radio Address by President Bush to the Nation
Three House Church Buildings in Zhejiang Facing Imminent Destruction by Government
Friday, July 13, 2007
Hundreds of Thousands Stranded in India Floods
Medair Expands Assistance to War-Affected Children
Higher Efficiency Organic Solar Cell Created by UCSB Nobel Laureate and Research Team
Bill O'Reilly Makes Tiller Household Name - Schenck to Lead Vigil at Notorious Abortuary
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