Contact: Dane Rose, Program Director, Faith and Action, 202-546-8329 ext. 106., 703-447-1072 cell
WASHINGTON, Oct. 12 /Standard Newswire/-- National Clergy Council president and chair of the Committee on Church and Society for the Evangelical Church Alliance, the Reverend Rob Schenck (pronounced SHANK), released this statement today in response to author and commentator Anne Coulter's remarks on the Danny Deutsch Show:
"Anne Coulter may do many things well, but one thing she definitely does not do well is theology or Bible scholarship. Anne's comments to Danny Deutsch were inaccurate, inappropriate and a disservice to the Gospel. Anne needs to unequivocally apologize for entering an arena where she is inept. It's time for Anne to humble herself and admit she blew it."
Schenck, who grew up Jewish and converted to Christianity 35 years ago, holds degrees in Bible and Theology, Christian ministry and Divinity. A conservative Christian, he holds ministerial affiliation with the Evangelical Church Alliance, America's oldest association of Evangelical clergy.
Anne Needs to Humble Herself