Contact: Mark Harrington, Created Equal, 614-419-9000, mark@createdequal.org
COLUMBUS, Ohio, July 13, 2015 /Standard Newswire/ -- Created Equal, a national anti-abortion group, will be displaying abortions in progress on a Jumbo-Tron TV screen at the Lincoln Memorial on July 14, 2015 as part of our week-long Justice Ride. The Lincoln Memorial is known, among other things, as the location for the famous "I Have Dream" speech delivered by the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in which he restated our Founders' words that "all men are created equal."
Click HERE to watch the video.
Below are the details of the event:
Who: Created Equal
What: Jumbo-Tron TV screen playing abortions in progress.
Where: Reflecting pool steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC.
When: July 14, 2015 from 10:00AM-3:00PM.
Why: To visually demonstrate that all men (born and preborn) are created equal.
"It is fitting that we go to the place where Dr. King spoke of equality for all men. Sadly, after 50 years Dr. King's dream has not been realized for the most innocent citizens among us. King's dream was our Founders' dream for America, and it is our dream for America: that all men – black or white, born or preborn - deserve the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." -- Mark Harrington, National Director, Created Equal