Contact: White House, Office of the Press Secretary, 202-456-2580
The South Lawn
7:51 A.M. EDT
PRESIDENT BUSH: It's been my honor to welcome a true democrat, a strong leader, and a friend, the President of Colombia. We had a long discussion.
First, Mr. President, Laura and I remember fondly our trip to your beautiful country. It was my second trip to
Secondly, we had a discussion today about an important vote that our Congress must take, and that is a vote to confirm a free trade agreement with
This agreement has strategic implications. It is very important for this nation to stand with democracies that protect human rights and human dignity; democracies based upon the rule of law.
So the free trade agreement with
And so Mr. President, it's great to see you. Bienvenidos.
PRESIDENT URIBE: Muchas gracias, Presidente.
Good morning, distinguished journalists. I want to thank President Bush for the new meeting. It has been, as always, very constructive. This meeting has given my team and myself the opportunity to reiterate our commitment with democracy.
We have three main objectives in our administration: to consolidate democratic security, to create more and more confidence in Colombia for people to invest in our country, and to fulfill very important social goals, to fulfill social goals before the deadline of the social millennium goals.
Many people ask me why you call your policy on security democratic security? Because it is security with human rights, because it is security for all Colombians, because it is security for trade union leaders, for those members of the opposition, for those who agree in their ideas with my government, security for all Colombians.
During my five-year term, we have healthy elections, and Colombians have enjoyed effectiveness of our freedoms because of our policy on security. Before my administration, many Colombians had the idea that the only way for my country to reach peace, it was by private criminal organizations. Today, because of the efficacy of our administration, the vast majority of Colombians are convinced that we will defeat terrorists by institutional ways; that the only way
It is very important that the
We are doing our best to defeat terrorists in a open country. Everyone in the world can go to
I want to thank President Bush, his team, the people of Congress, and the American citizens for the help all of you have given our country. This integration is very important to promote democracy, to promote freedoms -- freedom, to promote social justice. This is -- these are our commitments.
Thank you President Bush.
PRESIDENT BUSH: Gracias, amigo.
END 7:58 A.M. EDT