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Day Gardner: I'm Black, I'm a Woman and I Support Donald Trump – Here's Why

National Black Pro-Life Union
Aug. 13, 2024

WASHINGTON, Aug. 13, 2024 /Standard Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Day Gardner (photo), President of the National Black Pro-Life Union, she is available for comment:

    Lately, I have received inquiries from liberal media addicts and a few Christians asking me to explain, how, as a Christian, I can support Donald J. Trump for President.

    Though my reasons are my own, I hope what I have to say will shed light on my opinions, at the very least.
    Yes, I am a born-again believer in JESUS CHRIST as Lord and Savior, and a staunch supporter of former President Trump. I endorsed him early in 2016, 2020 and again for 2024.

    When a person says Trump has had several wives and is a womanizer, I am reminded of the Biblical David (2 Samuel 11,12). David was an adulterer who impregnated the wife of an elite soldier in his own army and then ensured her husband would be killed in battle. Even though King David was an adulterer and murderer (by proxy) God still chose him to fulfil the covenant. He is one of the greatest leaders of God's people in the Old Testament.

    Unlike King David, Donald Trump is not a murderer. Whatever his relationships have been with wives or others is not my concern. I do find it quite interesting that many of the people throwing stones at Trump for past relationships still hold former President's Bill Clinton and John F. Kennedy, (his brothers) and others in high regard. Go figure.

    Then, there's Rahab. Rahab was a prostitute in Jericho. She is mentioned at least ten times in Biblical scripture and in the New Testament, she is thought of as a godly woman who lived by faith and is even considered righteous for her works. (James 2:25)
    Rahab, the former prostitute, was used by GOD when she helped in the over throwing of Jericho. She is also found in the very lineage of JESUS CHRIST.

    Saul of Tarsus was a killer of Christians until the day he encountered the resurrected JESUS on the way to Damascus. Saul aka Paul, is a perfect example of true conversion. A man who made it his life's work to persecute Christians, met Jesus, and instantly dedicated himself to preaching the Gospel. GOD used Paul for HIS perfect will. Paul is also the author of at least 13 books of the New Testament. (Acts13:9)
    Let us not forget that GOD even "used" Satan. SATAN‼️ (Luke 22:3-23)

    God allowed Satan to enter Judas who -- though was one of the original 12 disciples, betrayed JESUS for thirty pieces of silver. Judas' evil deed made salvation in CHRIST possible for us all. Like I said...GOD even used the devil.
    I get it. Donald Trump has been larger than life--most of his life. It's easier to see the sins of those who are famous, especially with today's technology. We 'unknown people' can live in the shadows, away from the lime light, the internet, etc., where our sins and imperfections are a tad more difficult to see.
    Yet, I have heard countless, wonderful stories about President Trump's generosity and care for friends, employees and even strangers. Is Trump a saint? Heck no! Is he perfect? Again, heck no! Neither am I perfect, nor anyone reading this post. However, I do believe Donald Trump is a good man and a great leader.
    I also believe GOD has HIS hand on him. I don't pretend to know why. GOD doesn't need my approval, or yours. How can we, any of us possibly understand GOD'S plan? We can't see the big picture...because GOD IS THE BIG PICTURE. (Ephesians 2:10)

    Trump was President for four years and even with all the darts and arrows hurled at him daily, America thrived!
    In that time, socialists, communists and other liberals did every dastardly thing they could think of to destroy America. They burned and pillaged businesses all over the country. They knocked down statues and destroyed public -- and private property. They violently attacked police and just about anyone and everyone who disagreed with them -- or wore a red hat.
    Yet, as God would have it, the lies and crazy "hoaxes" of never Trumpers are being thrown out and/or disproven as the truth pours out – granted, sometimes in floods and other times in dribbles, but truth no less.

    There is NO racism -- NO hate surrounding TRUMP. None. The hate and "perceived racism" are coming from the media and those who especially want to keep black and brown people dependent on the government. It reminds me of the slaves that stayed on the plantations even after they were free because they thought they still needed slave owners to take care of them. So sad.
    I support Trump's America first policies including strong borders, bringing businesses and jobs back to America, especially to the cities that are drug infested, high crime, slums. I have family members who live in many of those cities!! How difficult it must be to have to worry about rising food costs, rent, getting to work and back home without being mugged, beaten or killed. How difficult it must be to live or run a business with gangs running rampant in your neighborhood. The parents I speak to want good jobs, safe neighborhoods, great schools, and a strong economy to better afford food and housing. They don't want or need government handouts -- they don't NEED to have their babies killed by abortion; they are intelligent, creative people who need opportunities so that they can take care of themselves and their families.

    Finally, I am asked about Trumps stand on abortion. I am pro-life. I stand AGAINST all abortion. According to the Word of God, ALL children are a blessing, a reward and a heritage. (Psalm 127:3-5, Psalms 139:13-16)

    Unfortunately, Trump supports abortion in the 'hard cases' of rape, incest and life of the mother. Again, I am noticing many Christians -- even some that I work with in the pro-life community state Trump is not pro life enough. In truth, he isn't. We know a baby doesn't suddenly become not a baby just because her mother was raped (Jeremiah 1:5). I have been working with pro-life groups to save the lives of babies for more than 22 years. In all that time, we fought hardest against the federal government's involvement in the abortion business. For years, tax payer dollars were being earmarked to Planned Parenthood and other killing centers where children are butchered willy-nilly… for any reason at all.
    Keep in mind, Trump was once an open supporter of Planned Parenthood but had a radical change of heart and has been the only president to take away at least some of the (Title X) federal funds that Planned Parenthood was receiving.
    He also appointed Supreme Court Justices who understand the humanity of all people – no matter the age. Roe v. Wade was FINALLY overturned.

    President Trump managed to do what thousands of us have been hoping and praying for, for more than 50 years. No other President was able to do that.

    I said all that to say this, again: The bottom line is…Trump is not perfect. None of us are perfect. We ALL have sinned and fall short of GOD'S glory.

    BUT GOD!

    GOD uses imperfect people for HIS perfect will. As imperfect as he is, I believe God has HIS hand on President Donald J. Trump for such a time as this which should provide all people, Christians especially, with great hope. Together, in CHRIST.

SOURCE National Black Pro-Life Union

CONTACT: Day Gardner, 202-834-0844