Contact: Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, 212-371-3191,
NEW YORK, Aug. 8, 2014 /Standard Newswire/ -- Bill Donohue comments on "Doubtless," a play by Albert Innaurato; it is being performed in New York City:
"Doubtless" started August 4 and it closes August 30. It is easy to ignore--the theatre has 98 seats--but given that Innaurato has solid credentials, we decided to address his latest attack on the Catholic Church.
The play's name is a rip-off of the John Patrick Shanley play, "Doubt." That play, which ran between 2004 and 2006, was adapted for the screen, starring Meryl Streep. It featured a controversial priest and a reverent nun (played by Streep). Because there was nothing anti-Catholic about it, we never addressed it. But "Doubtless," which pointedly attacks "Doubt," goes out of its way to offend.
The audience is introduced to sexually-romping priests, an Opus Dei orgy, foul-mouthed nuns, sisters who get it on, and a vampire played by Jesus. Though the play has been panned by critics, the open-minded folks at the New York Times did so because of its artistic weaknesses, not its bigotry. "Her [a nun's] vulgar language is fine, really. It's the ranting she'd do better to stop," writes Laura Collins-Hughes. Thanks for the tip, really.
Like so many playwrights who attack Catholicism, Innaurato is acting out his own deep-seated problems: he is an ex-Catholic homosexual. When he was at Yale many moons ago, he befriended Christopher Durang, another ex-Catholic homosexual anti-Catholic. Together, they starred in performances "Dressed as priests they played women in summer stock." How lovely.
I have only one comment to make: Just imagine what the people look like who go to see this stuff.