Contact: J.P. Duffy or Alice Chao, Family Research Council, 866-FRC-NEWS, 866-372-6397
WASHINGTON, Aug. 30, 2018 /Standard Newswire/ -- Former U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf will be honored at next month's Values Voter Summit for his tireless fight for international religious freedom. Wolf is the author of the International Religious Freedom Act and a longtime advocate for international religious freedom and human rights. Wolf will receive Family Research Council's Vision and Leadership Award on Saturday, September 22nd at 7:30 pm eastern at the Summit's Faith, Family and Freedom Gala. The Values Voter Summit will be held September 21-23 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C.
A variety of speakers, including Members of Congress, activists, and key thinkers and leading voices of the conservative movement, have been invited to speak at the Summit which annually draws thousands of grassroots activists from across the country.
Confirmed speakers include Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Dr. Ben Carson, Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin, House Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. Mark Meadows, former Rep. Dave Weldon, Lt. Col. (Ret.) Oliver North, Dr. Bill Bennett, David Daleiden, Joel Rosenberg, Dana Loesch, along with Tony Perkins, Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips, Dr. Paul McHugh, HHS Civil Rights Division Director Roger Severino, Activist Mommy Elizabeth Johnston, Fox News Radio's Todd Starnes, Brigitte Gabriel, David and Jason Benham, George Barna, Gary Bauer among many others.
Values Voter Summit is sponsored by FRC Action, American Values, AFA Action, Christian Healthcare Ministries, Inspire Investing, United In Purpose and Family Research Council. The Heritage Foundation and Patriot Voices are co-sponsors of the event. An exhibit hall, book signings, radio row, media row, and much more will be packed into this three-day conference.
Pre-registration for media credentials is required. Please contact to obtain credentials.
For a schedule and more information on this year's Values Voter Summit, please visit: