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MEDIA ADVISORY, May 7 /Standard Newswire/ -- Today, In Michigan, John McCain Addressed His Vision For Defending The Freedom And Dignity Of The World's Vulnerable. Freedom confers responsibilities and John McCain believes we must be diligent in supporting human freedom and opposing those enemies who would strip others of their dignity. As President, John McCain will promote religious freedom, combat human trafficking and protect women and children. These are issues that demand presidential leadership.
We Must Confront The Evils In This World That Deny Human Freedom And Degrade Human Dignity. America was founded on the belief in the inherent dignity of all human life and this dignity can only be preserved through shared respect and responsibility.
A Vision For Protecting Human Freedom And Dignity:
John McCain Will Make Respect For Religious Freedom A Priority In Our International Relations. There is no right more fundamental to a free society than the free practice of religion. As President, John McCain will make religious freedom a subject of great importance for the United States in our relations with other countries. He will work in concert with our democratic allies to raise the prominence of religious freedom in every available forum.
John McCain Will Enhance Our Efforts To Combat Human Trafficking And Provide Aid And Compassion For Victims. John McCain will establish an Inter-Agency Task Force on Human Trafficking by increasing cooperation and communication between all government agencies. The Task Force will focus exclusively on prosecuting human traffickers and rescuing victims by strengthening cooperation and coordination across all levels of government. Task Force agencies will report directly to the President. We will also ensure shelter, counseling and legal assistance for the victims of this despicable crime.
- Human Trafficking -- Slavery By Another Name -- Persists Throughout The World And The United States. While existing in places like Thailand, Kuwait and Venezuela, human trafficking is a serious problem in the United States. Most of the victims are the most vulnerable among us, destitute women and children. A 2004 State Department report concludes that of the estimated 600,000 to 800,000 people transported across international borders each year, approximately 80% are women and girls, and up to 50% are minors. It is estimated that between 15,000 and 18,000 human slaves are brought into America, many of whom are forced into the sex trade every year.
- We Must Do More To Ensure Governments Crack Down On Human Trafficking. We can support efforts to change economic incentives and do more to aid victims. We must identify and destroy criminal networks that engaging in human trafficking.
John McCain Will Act To Encourage And Coax Other Cultures Into Abandoning Practices That Afflict Women And Children. This includes practices that mutilate bodies and impose marriage before maturity and without informed consent. As President, John McCain will insist that our diplomacy actively raise and discourage customs that degrade and physically threaten people. He will explain that the full benefits of friendship with the U.S. are predicated on shared respect for the basic right of women and children not to suffer atrocities to their physical and emotional health.
John McCain Will Use Every Means At Our Country's Disposal To Protect Children From Those Who Would Use The Internet To Commit Harm. Recent years have seen an explosion in the proliferation of child pornography and child sexual exploitation cases involving the use of the Internet and email as a means for predators to stalk and lure children. Child exploitation in any form must be stopped and those responsible must be punished. Today, John McCain outlined a strong program for combating this crime.
- As President, John McCain Will Clear Obstacles To Cooperation Between Federal Agencies And Their State And Local Counterparts To Ensure Maximum Cooperation In The Pursuit And Prosecution Of Child Predators.
- John McCain Will Elevate The Importance Of International Cooperation In Our Relations With Other Countries To Ensure That Criminals Who Traffic In Images Of Child Abuse Find No Haven In Other Countries.
- John McCain Will Expand The Range Of Companies Required To Report The Existence Of Child Pornography. Companies that provide Internet access and forums for content and communications also have responsibilities as corporate citizens. More companies should be required to report the existence of child pornography when they become aware of its existence, and we should impose higher penalties on companies that fail to do so.
- John McCain Believes Those Convicted Of Preying Upon Children Should Not Be Allowed To Hide Behind The Anonymity Of The Internet. He has called for requiring convicted sex offenders to register their e-mail and instant message addresses with the Department of Justice's national offender registry. This approach has been endorsed by several social networking websites which will use the information to "scrub" their sites for convicted sex offenders. This registry information could also be used by parents to safeguard their children.
- John McCain Has A Record Of Working Aggressively To Promote The Safe Use Of The Internet And To Craft Legislation To Ensure That Children Are Secure.