Contact: Anna Maria De Medici, Italian American Network, 212-780-7526,; Dr. Angelo Boccardelli is available in
Press Conference Details---
When: Friday. March 16, 11 AM
Who: Influential Italian artist and historian, Dr. Angelo Boccardelli, President of Fondazione Giacomo Maria Ugolini-Ambasciatore
Why: Boccardelli will demonstrate with this code and a new way to read the work of Michelangelo.
"Unlike the fictional The Da Vinci Code, this discovery of a code in Michelangelo's work gives us new historical truth about Michelangelo and his relationship to Christ, and the Church. My research opens the door to a new understanding of Michelangelo and other great masters," says Dr. Boccardelli.
Background: Angelo Boccardelli hosts art seminars at his foundation, for groups of international art lovers in Monteporzio Catone, just 20 minutes outside