Disabled veteran and child abuse survivor Michael Bluemling, Jr. is available for comment. Shares his proven plan for overcoming abuse to live a free and fulfilling life.
Contact: Kathleen M. Campbell, Campbell Public Relations, 719-540-6022; kcampbell@thecompletesolution.com
RICHMOND, Va., April 4, 2014 /Standard Newswire/ -- April is National Child Abuse Awareness month. How are children in the US faring in 2014? Here are some sobering statistics as reported by Child Help USA:
- Each year more than 3.3 million reports of child abuse are made in the United States.
- The United States has one of the worst records for child abuse among industrialized nations. It is estimated that every 10 seconds a child is abused in this country.
- Between four and seven children die every day in the United States due to child abuse and neglect.
- Child abuse occurs at every socioeconomic level, across ethnic and cultural lines, within all religions and at all levels of education.
- About 30% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children, continuing the horrible cycle of abuse.
Michael Bluemling, Jr. is a child abuse survivor. In his new book, Turning the Page: Overcoming Abuse to Reach Life's Fulfillment he combines a brief memoir of the abuse he suffered at his father's hand, with his proven 7-step recovery plan to help survivors overcome the guilt and pain of abuse and move past its grip once and for all.
"I did not have many support channels to help me cope with my past," says Michael. "Too many survivors are just like me, struggling to push back the pain from their past and move on."
"The problem is, suppressing the abuse only makes life more difficult. I knew if I didn't find a way to work through the abuse of my past I would always be shackled by it."
The trauma of his past has motivated Michael Bluemling, Jr. to make a difference for others in the present. He is the founder and CEO of Power of One, LLC, a disabled-veteran-owned company based in Richmond, Virginia. A critical element of the company's vision is to help others and give back to the community.
"Each person has the power to deal with adversity and move forward regardless of the circumstances," says Michael. "Channeling pain into positive energy is the key to being happy and able to move on in life. You are stronger than you think. I am living proof."
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