Contact: Rev. Patrick Mahoney, 540-538-4741
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11, 2015 /Standard Newswire/ -- In an email send to the Trump Campaign Manager, Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, seeks meeting with Donald Trump and several Muslim leaders sometime next week.
Portions of the email to Mr. Trump include:
"I have a long history of working with Muslims on a wide variety of projects, from speaking out against the violence of ISIS and terrorism, standing against the persecution of Christians, public forums and humanitarian aid. I flew down to Florida and persuaded Rev. Terry Jones not to burn 240 Qurans several years ago. I have also traveled to Muslim nations around the world meeting with political and religious leaders in those countries.
"Key to the uniqueness of the American experience is the timeless concept of 'freedom of religion' in which all should be allowed to worship God according to their faith traditions free from intimidation, harassment or persecution.
"Although I am sure it was not your intention, your recent comments about Muslims not being allowed to enter into this country and being singled out for their religious beliefs, stand in stark contrast to these timeless principles.
"I think it is critical that a face-to-face meeting take place between you, Christian and Muslim leaders as soon as possible. In this way, an honest, candid and open conversation would begin immediately that would build bridges and provide a powerful witness to our nation and the world.
"In our struggle to defeat ISIS and end terrorism, we must be careful not to paint millions of Muslims who are committed to peace with the broad brush of violence and extremism. We must also continue to affirm our founding principles of religious freedom for all. In fact, a powerful step in defeating terrorism is establishing strong relationships with peace loving Muslims."
Also included in the email was the link to a video showing Christians and Muslims working together at a Mosque to collect clothes for Syrian Refugees which was sent to Mr. Trump. The link is included below:
For more information, interviews or a copy of the full email
contact Rev. Patrick Mahoney at:540.538.4741