Contact: Eoghan De Faoite, Youth Defence, 353-1-8746858, eoghan@youthdefence.ie
DUBLIN, Ireland, July 5 /Standard Newswire/ -- Organizers are describing a pro-life rally to be held in Dublin this coming Saturday, 7 July, as Ireland's largest pro-life event in fifteen years. Abortion remains illegal in Ireland, despite the legal quandary left by the X case ruling in 1992.
Two things protected the unborn child from abortion in Ireland. Firstly the provisions of the 1861 Offences against the Persons Act and secondly, a Pro-life Amendment to Ireland's constitution in 1983. The latter was, however, later interpreted, in 1992, by Ireland's Supreme Court, to allow for abortion in the case of suicide. This outraged the Irish electorate whose intention, in voting for the 1983 amendment, was to protect the unborn fully in all circumstances; and so they brought their voices to the streets. In what was seen as hugely significant in keeping abortion out of Ireland, thousands of people attended four pro-life rallies in Dublin, during 1992, to make their voices heard. Those rallies stalled the political momentum to legalize abortion in Ireland.
Since 1992, even though the Irish people have had the anti-life Supreme Court interpretation hanging over them, not one abortion has been carried out in Ireland. Successive Irish governments, fearful of the backlash from Ireland's pro-life movements, have balked at abortion legislation. The pro-life lobby, who have remained extremely active since those four mass rallies in 1992, are now celebrating 15 years of keeping Ireland abortion-free.
On Saturday the 7 July, at 1pm, pro-lifers from all around Ireland will gather outside the main post office (the GPO) in Dublin's main street O'Connell Street. They will then walk to the Irish Parliament (Dail Eireann) where they will be addressed by numerous pro-life speakers. Eoghan De Faoite Chairman of the Rally Committee and leader of the Irish pro-life group Youth Defence, hopes the weather will 'be sunny and dry' and said that 'this rally intends to send a strong message to the Irish government; "Keep Ireland abortion free".'
Significantly, last week, only 80 people turned up for a pro-abortion demonstration in Dublin, which was addressed by Irish politicians. Eoghan De Faoite said that 'it is striking that such a small number turned out. It makes it abundantly clear that the pro-abortion lobby in Ireland has very little support from the Irish people.'
For further information please phone our head offices in, Dublin, Ireland on: Ph: 353-1-8746858 or e-mail eoghan@youthdefence.ie or visit the web-site www.truthtv.org