Contact: Michael Scippa, Marin Institute, 415-548-0492, michaels@marininstitute.org
Many organizations and individuals spoke out against the product over the past two months. To their credit, it has now been shown that Big Alcohol, in this case Anheuser-Busch, can be contained. Special credit goes to the 29 States Attorneys General who blasted the drink just last week for failing Federal labeling regulations.
Additional embarrassment came Anheuser-Busch's way last month when an alcohol product labeling bill AB 346 (Jim Beall, D- San Jose) was introduced in the California State Assembly. The measure takes special aim at deceptively packaged and labeled "alcopops" - sweet, fruity alcohol laced beverages, like Spykes, that have particular appeal to underage drinkers. (A summary of that legislative activity is available at www.marininstitute.org/alcopops/alcopops_legis.htm
"Spykes was a 12 percent alcohol depth charge meant to be mixed with beer," said Bruce Livingston, Executive Director of Marin Institute, the alcohol industry watchdog that helped lead the charge against the stealth beverage. "It was clearly designed to appeal to teenage girls in brightly colored 2 oz. containers that look like nail polish. We can only hope that August Busch will think twice in the future before pushing more alcopops at kids."