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New, Creative, Relevant, and Inspirational Devotion Study for Women
Dr. Bill Senyard
March 22, 2025

DENVER, March 22, 2025 /Standard Newswire/ -- Dr. Bill Senyard’s latest Biblical devotional book, Dance Daughters of the Most High, Book 2 is a fun new take on eight unfortunately overlooked and misunderstood women of the Old Testament. Here are a few of the women you will meet.

● Two unlikely women, Fair One and Little Girl, stood up to overwhelming power and saved the Jews from genocide.

● When Jesus sought an example of faith in the Old Testament, he chose a woman.

● One woman ancestor of Christ, nearly stoned for adultery, became an example of ideal heroic faith.

● Another ancestor of Jesus walked the dangerously fine line between conspiring against her husband and listening to God’s voice.

● A woman named ‘Weasel’ was chosen by God to authenticate His written word.

Women, are you looking for some inspirational material for Bible study, book club or even private devotions? What are reviewers saying?

● “exceeded all my expectations.” 5- Star Readers’ Favorite Review

● “incredibly invigorating and redemptive.” 5- Star Readers’ Favorite Review

● “a must-read for Christians and religious scholars.” 5- Star Readers’ Favorite Review

● “conversational tone entwined with an underlying playfulness” 5- Star Readers’ Favorite Review

● “refreshing approach to interpreting Biblical stories” The BookLife Prize.

● “presents these women as flawed, complex figures, all while demonstrating the power of God and his love.” The BookLife Prize.

● “will spark interest and discussion.”  The BookLife Prize.

Dance 2 is available on Amazon, Kindle, and Barnes & Nobles.

Keep in touch with Dr. Bill

Facebook: @gospelappministriesYouTube: @DrBillSenyard

Podcast:GospelRant.comInstagram: @gospelapp

Title: Dance Daughters of the Most High! Book 2: More Amazing Stories of Long Overlooked and Underappreciated Women in the Old Testament

Release Date: March 3, 2025 | Retail: $14.50 | ISBN-13: 979-8991247634| E-Book ISBN: 979-8991247641| Binding: Trade Paper | Size: 6” x 9” | Page Count: 140 | Hometown: Denver, Colorado | BISAC Category: Books › Religion & Spirituality › Christian Books & Bibles › Christian Living › Women's Issues

To interview Dr. Bill Senyard or for a review copy, please contact

SOURCE Dr. Bill Senyard