58 Organizations: California AG Kamala Harris's Illegal, Extortionate Privacy Violations Designed to Silence Critics of Politicians
Contact: Vi Shields, 703-392-7676, vshields@americantarget.com
MANASSAS, Va., Sept. 1, 2015 /Standard Newswire/ -- American Target Advertising (ATA), the agency of conservative strategist and fundraising pioneer Richard A. Viguerie, along with 57 nonprofit and other organizations today filed a friend-of-the court brief asking the Supreme Court to hear the case Center for Competitive Politics v. Kamala Harris, Attorney General of California. The brief alleges that General Harris is imposing extortionate conditions violating federal tax return confidentiality law and multiple Constitutional provisions for charities and advocacy nonprofits to reach Californians. It describes the extensive collaboration between disgraced former IRS official Lois Lerner and the National Association of State Charity Officials (NASCO) whose members oversee nonprofit fundraising.
"This is the NAACP v. Alabama of the 21st Century," said ATA President of Corporate Affairs Mark Fitzgibbons, who added, "Using methods more comprehensive and arbitrary than the Alabama attorney general and other politicians in the 1950s who sought to destroy the civil rights movement by intimidating and silencing activists and their organizations, Ms. Harris and many politicos want to use the power of government to intimidate or even put their grassroots critics out of business. In her unlawful quest, Harris is also violating privacy and association rights of donors to all charities essential for Toquevillian, non-governmental democracy in American society."
The National Organization for Marriage, whose donor names were leaked by the IRS to hostile blogs, and nationally recognized conservative nonprofit organizations such as Media Research Center, Concerned Women for America, Citizens United, Family Research Council, Faith & Freedom Coalition, the Weyrich Lunch, and Leadership Institute are among the 58 organizations on the brief.
A copy of the brief showing all the amici may be viewed here.
MANASSAS, Va., Sept. 1, 2015 /Standard Newswire/ -- American Target Advertising (ATA), the agency of conservative strategist and fundraising pioneer Richard A. Viguerie, along with 57 nonprofit and other organizations today filed a friend-of-the court brief asking the Supreme Court to hear the case Center for Competitive Politics v. Kamala Harris, Attorney General of California. The brief alleges that General Harris is imposing extortionate conditions violating federal tax return confidentiality law and multiple Constitutional provisions for charities and advocacy nonprofits to reach Californians. It describes the extensive collaboration between disgraced former IRS official Lois Lerner and the National Association of State Charity Officials (NASCO) whose members oversee nonprofit fundraising.
"This is the NAACP v. Alabama of the 21st Century," said ATA President of Corporate Affairs Mark Fitzgibbons, who added, "Using methods more comprehensive and arbitrary than the Alabama attorney general and other politicians in the 1950s who sought to destroy the civil rights movement by intimidating and silencing activists and their organizations, Ms. Harris and many politicos want to use the power of government to intimidate or even put their grassroots critics out of business. In her unlawful quest, Harris is also violating privacy and association rights of donors to all charities essential for Toquevillian, non-governmental democracy in American society."
The National Organization for Marriage, whose donor names were leaked by the IRS to hostile blogs, and nationally recognized conservative nonprofit organizations such as Media Research Center, Concerned Women for America, Citizens United, Family Research Council, Faith & Freedom Coalition, the Weyrich Lunch, and Leadership Institute are among the 58 organizations on the brief.
A copy of the brief showing all the amici may be viewed here.