"Now therefore, be wise, O kings; be instructed, you judges of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling" (Psalms 2:10, 11).
Contact: Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas, 254-715-3134
FRANKFORT, Ky., July 24, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- Operation Save America will hold a press conference to proclaim the doctrines of the Lesser Magistrate and Interposition at the steps of the State Capitol in Frankfort, KY. The state of Kentucky is in a unique position and has a rich history of reeling in the federal government's actions when the federal government acted outside their constitutional restraints. Kentucky interposed against tyranny and said no to unjust laws in times past. The Kentucky Resolution of 1798 stated in part "And that whensoever the general [federal] government assumes undelegated power, the acts are unauthorized, void, and of no force."
Press Conference Details
Who: Operation Save America,
Rev. Rusty Thomas
Rev. Matthew Trewhella
Where: State Capitol Steps
700 Capital Ave.
Frankfort, KY 40601
When: Wednesday July 26, 2017 10 AM
The federal government [SCOTUS} has assumed for decades such unauthorized powers. The most egregious to our survival as a nation are the murder of innocent children in the womb and the redefining of the God-ordained institution of marriage. OSA submits to Kentucky that men should forbear, even in long painful seasons, but there does come a time, however, when forbearance becomes sin and cowardice. We submit to you that the murder of innocent pre-born children should not be forborne. The perverting of marriage and a host of other evils by the federal judiciary should not be forborne. Who knows Kentucky, if you have come into the Kingdom "For Such a Time as This!"
For a copy of the proclamation, go to: