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Faith Community to Have Prayer and Candlelight Vigil and Public Witness at Fredericksburg, VA 'Slave Auction Block'

Contact: Rev. Patrick Mahoney, 540-538-4741

FREDERICKSBURG, Va., Aug. 19, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- The vigil will be on Sunday, August 20, at 8:00 P.M. at 1000 Charles St in Fredericksburg, VA.

The purpose of the prayer vigil will be to seek God for healing, justice and racial reconciliation and ensure justice and human rights for all.

Below is a link to our Facebook Event page:

The coalition will also be speaking out against racism, white supremacy and condemning hatred and acts of violence.

Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Pastor of Church on the Hill, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition and Fredericksburg resident, states;

    "As Dr. Martin Luther King shares, 'Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can.  Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.'

    "In light of recent events in Charlottesville and across our nation, we are coming together in prayer to embrace the heart of Christ where he says, 'love your neighbor as yourself,' and the teachings of Scripture to stand against violence, hatred and racism.

    "As people of faith, we want to discuss the challenging issues of race in an open, candid, peaceful and prayerful manner. As we move forward to bring healing and reconciliation to our community and nation, we must condemn violence and hatred. Let Fredericksburg be a public witness to all that we can come together without bitterness to bring healing."

Rev. Ronnette Cooper who serves in leadership at Awakening Community Church and Missions and Prayer School of Fredericksburg, adds;

    "As an African-American woman, I am deeply concerned that our nation deals with our history of racism in such a way that it does not deepen the hurt in the African-American community.  It must be addressed in such a way that all Americans recognize this scourge as evil and not just simply history.

    "My hope is that a plaque would be placed at this auction block which states; 'This stone block is a tragic part of American history which involves the selling of black humans.  We the people of Fredericksburg not only commit to always stand against these kinds of atrocities, but we will work and fight for the freedom and success every person regardless of race or color.'"

For more information or interviews please contact:
Rev. Patrick Mahoney at 540.538.4741