Let Freedom Ring Releasing New Video Today, Before February's Unemployment Numbers
Contact: Deborah Hamilton, 215-815-7716, 610-584-1096, dhamilton@hamiltonstrategies.com
PHILADELPHIA, March 8, 2012 /Standard Newswire/ -- With the employment report coming out on Friday, people are expecting things to keep "getting better" as the unemployment rate declines. On the surface, it may appear this way. But more than three million workers have disappeared from the workforce. They've simply given up hope of finding a job in America.
If those three million were still counted in the numbers, unemployment would be well over 10 percent -- 1 in every 10 Americans who can't find a job to support their family.
Let Freedom Ring, a national public policy non-profit organization committed to promoting Constitutional government, economic freedom and traditional values, is releasing a video today called "Missing Workers" that will highlight these three million missing workers.
"President Obama is claiming success in lowering the unemployment rate, but this isn't success," said Colin Hanna, president of Let Freedom Ring. "Three million workers are missing from the labor force, tragically given up hope that they will ever find a job. If they were still looking for a job, unemployment would be over 10%. We can do better and we must."
Let Freedom Ring is hosting the web video on www.JobsThroughGrowth.com which offers an alternative vision for America, one where jobs are created through growth, not temporary government programs.
"We can do better and we must," says the video, "better with strong economic growth created by getting government out of the way and empowering individual Americans with the opportunity to pursue their dreams freely."