CLEVELAND, Aug. 13, 2013 /
Standard Newswire/ -- Following the
publication last week of a letter from National Right to Life that reprimanded and disaffiliated Cleveland Right to Life (CRTL) for its new Mission Statement in support of traditional marriage and the rights of the child, CRTL has received an outpouring of support from its local members, other regional and national right-to-life organizations, and pro-life individuals from around the country.
"Last week was one of the most exhilarating weeks in the history of CRTL," said Molly Smith, president of the organization. "We had extensive, positive press and a multitude of radio interviews from around the country, which gave me the opportunity to make the case for the connection between life issues and the family," continued Smith. "We've received more emails, letters and phone calls expressing support than at any time I can remember!"
This support has also come in the form of financial donations to help CRTL spread its enhanced message. In less than five days, over $15,000 in new donations were received from generous donors across the U.S. "These donations, along with our normal fund-raising activities, will help to put CRTL in a financial position to achieve its goals of promoting life and the family," noted Marty Kopmeyer, treasurer of CRTL. ".... We are grateful to everyone who has recognized the importance of our mission and has stepped up to help us in a tangible way" continued Kopmeyer.
"We know that other right-to-life affiliates around Ohio and the country are considering a similar improvement to their Missions in order to formalize their support for the family, and we are in active discussions with them," noted Jerry C. Cirino, CRTL board member. "In addition, our annual 'Bringing America Back to Life' Symposium, the premier pro-life event in the Midwest, will feature speakers that will highlight all aspects of our improved mission, including the need for strong families. The 2014 Symposium promises to be the best yet in the conference's five-year history."
CRTL will continue to capitalize on the tremendous show of support from around the country by reaching out to right-to-life groups all over the U.S. in an effort to change the agenda nationally.
CRTL continues its affiliation with Ohio Right to Life and will continue working with them on all life issues. "It is our hope that ORTL will continue studying this issue and will consider joining CRTL, Lake County RTL and others in changing their Mission to include support for marriage and families," said Smith.
Cleveland Right to Life is an autonomous organization that cooperates with local, state and national organizations to protect and defend all human life from fertilization till death and to work with other Right to Life affiliates around the state to spread the Gospel of Life.