Jewish Lives Matter
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MEDIA ADVISORY, May 6, 2024 /Standard Newswire/ -- A banner which reads: “NEVER AGAIN -- JEWISH LIVES MATTER.US” will fly over the University of Texas this morning beginning at 11:30 a.m. Central today--the internationally recognized date for Holocaust Remembrance Day, which commemorates the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising.
“We join the rest of the world to declare “Never Again” on this Holocaust Remembrance Day,” stated Janet Porter, a founding member of Jewish Lives Matter. “Our airborne message is directed to all those standing with Hamas terrorists calling for genocide on our campuses: We will NEVER go down that road again.”
This newly formed initiative by concerned individuals, Faith2Action, Truth & Liberty Coalition, MorningStar Ministries, Transformation Michigan, churches including New Dawn Community Church (Coral Springs, Florida), Christ the King Church (Waco, Texas), and businesses including Patriot Mobile, is sending the message to our Jewish friends: “Look up, you are not alone.”
Jewish Lives Matter banners have flown over:
- Columbia University on April 26th: “GOD BLESS ISRAEL.”
- UCLA and Hollywood on April 26th: “JEWISH LIVES MATTER.US.”
- The University of Michigan graduation yesterday: “WE STAND WITH ISRAEL – JEWISH LIVES MATTER.US,” where Hamas protesters screamed anti-Jewish threats, disrupting the ceremony.
Today’s “NEVER AGAIN” banner over the University of Texas draws the historic parallel as stated by Mark Gurley of Transformation Michigan, a founding member of Jewish Lives Matter: “In the 1930s, Hitler Youth used the exact same tactics on Germany's university campuses, and we will not allow that to continue in America. One holocaust was enough.”
“We must take this stand now, and never forget what has been done to the Jewish people, and never retreat from our stand with them,” declared Rick Joyner, founder MorningStar Ministries, and founding member of the Jewish Lives Matter coalition.
Porter added, “Israel doesn’t ‘occupy’ the land, they OWN it, and we stand with them in their right to defend themselves in their nation and here at home, and we always will.”
Hundreds of “Jewish Lives Matter” shirts were sent to Sean Feucht, who will lead a rally for Israel on Wednesday at USC, where our banner stating, “ISRAEL IS FOREVER – JEWISH LIVES MATTER.US” will fly overhead.
To sponsor a banner and to find out more, go to www.JewishLivesMatter.us
SOURCE Jewish Lives Matter
CONTACT: Janet Porter, President, Faith2Action Ministries, 202-241-2ACT (2228)