Thousands expected to attend annual University of Dallas event in October
Contact: Danielle Milliken, Communications Manager, University of Dallas, 972-265-5811, 573-579-4068 cell, dmilliken@udallas.edu
IRVING, Texas, May 16, 2014 /Standard Newswire/ -- Online registration for the eighth annual University of Dallas Ministry Conference (UDMC), set for Oct. 23-25 at the Irving Convention Center in Irving, Texas, is now open. The conference, which is the second largest of its kind in the United States, is co-sponsored by the Catholic dioceses of Dallas and Fort Worth.
The Most Rev. J. Michael Miller, archbishop of Vancouver and former secretary of the Vatican's Congregation for Catholic Education, will deliver the keynote addresses Friday, Oct. 24, in English and Spanish. The archbishop will speak on the apostolic exhortation from Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, and its role in contemporary Catholic ministry and education.
"Each of us is obligated to take every opportunity possible to deepen our understanding of the Gospel and our relationship with Jesus," said Dallas Bishop Kevin Farrell, encouraging Catholics to attend the conference.
Additionally, the conference will feature 200 breakout sessions designed for educators, catechists, deacons, priests, youth ministers and other ministry professionals, as well as general Catholic audiences. Speakers include Alejandro Aguilera-Titus, associate director of the Secretariat for Hispanic Affairs at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops; Robert McCarty, executive director for the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry; and Lisa Hendey, CatholicMom.com founder and bestselling author, among others.
Sessions will be offered in English, Spanish and Vietnamese, covering topics such as faith formation, scripture, evangelization, liturgy, social justice, parenting and technology. The conference also will feature more than 100 exhibitors, including publishing companies, Christian gift stores and nonprofits. A liturgical art display, musical performances by well-known and up-and-coming Catholic artists, a conference Mass and several prayer services will round out the weekend.
Registration is $57 before Sept. 25, $75 before Oct. 10 and $100 at the door. Exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities also are available.
The UDMC is organized by the University of Dallas School of Ministry, which offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in pastoral ministry and theology, as well as adult faith formation classes. Its high quality education and formation fosters personal growth, professional ministry and transformative service to the Catholic Church, the broader Christian community and the world.
Video - www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kxBsQhlen4