Life Legal Optimistic About Supreme Court Nominee

Contact: Alexandra Snyder, Life Legal Defense Foundation, 202-717-7371
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- Since Inauguration Day, the pro-life community has excitedly witnessed President Donald Trump deliver on his campaign claim that, "I am pro-life." Within three days, one of our new president' first executive orders reinstated the Mexico City Policy that bans federal taxpayer dollars from funding international NGO's that provide or promote abortion, including the International Planned Parenthood Federation and the UN Population Fund. In addition, the House recently voted to make permanent the Hyde Amendment, which would prohibit all federal funding of abortion. We've covered a lot of ground in a short time.
Today in confirmation of his promise to appoint pro-life justices, President Trump nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch to fill the ninth seat on the Supreme Court left empty since the untimely passing of Justice Antonin Scalia, who was strongly pro-life. This appointment has critical ramifications for the protection of the unborn. Life Legal is currently litigating two cases on behalf of David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Project, both of which are on appeal to the 9th Circuit. The Ninth Circuit has historically ruled in favor of abortion "rights." These cases may eventually work their way to the Supreme Court.
"We are optimistic that our new President has appointed an originalist to the highest court," said Life Legal Executive Director Alexandra Snyder. "There remains, however, some concern that Judge Gorsuch has never written or ruled on any important life issue cases. What we do know is that Judge Gorsuch has clearly stated that he does not believe the Court is to be used as a replacement for debate in the public square in formulating social policy," Snyder added.
It remains to be seen precisely how Judge Gorsuch's originalism touches beginning and end of life issues. Life Legal remains encouraged that President Trump and his Supreme Court nominee will protect the sanctity of all human life, including the unborn.