Contact: Kiera M. McCaffrey, Director of Communications, Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, 212-371-3191,
"The Christian version of the virgin birth is generally interpreted as super-patriarchal," she said, "where god is viewed as so powerful he can impregnate without befouling himself by touching a woman, and women are nothing but vessels."
Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, commented as follows:
"On February 8, John Edwards addressed the writings of Amanda Marcotte and Melissa McEwan saying 'that kind of intolerant language will not be permitted from anyone on my campaign, whether it's intended as satire, humor or anything else.' [Click here to see what he was referring to.] On February 11, Marcotte struck again.
"Anyone who actually believes that the birth of Jesus by the Virgin Mary is 'generally interpreted' as being a sexist exercise obviously lives in an anti-Christian ghetto. The 85 percent of Americans who are Christian do not believe this, and most of the other 15 percent do not either. Only those who think ill of Christianity could write such insulting commentary.
"John Edwards had better fire Marcotte and McEwan immediately. As I said last week on TV, these two foul-mouthed bigots are loose cannons with no particular loyalty to Edwards. I was just proven right."
The Catholic League is the nation's largest Catholic civil rights organization. It defends individual Catholics and the institutional Church from defamation and discrimination.