Contact: Dane Rose, Program Director, Faith and Action, 202-546-8329 ext. 106., 703-447-1072 cell
WASHINGTON, Sept. 10 /Standard Newswire/ -- The Faith and Action and the National Clergy Council, representing church leaders from Catholic, Evangelical, Orthodox and Protestant traditions, will today deliver thousands of petitions to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid warning that early withdrawal of US troops will result in the slaughter of more than 2000 Christians in areas of Iraq. The greater Christian community, estimated moderately at 500,000 persons, would also be in jeopardy as well."
The Council bases its warning in findings by a recent religious delegation to
"Iraqi Christians told Rev. Mahoney they have no doubt that once US troops withdraw, Christians will be immediately exterminated," said National Clergy Council president Rev. Rob Schenck (pronounced SHANK).
"If our troops are forced to withdraw early, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid will have the blood of martyrs on their hands. We plead with our congressional leaders not to put political gain ahead of protection for the precious Christians of Iraq."
Rev. Schenck will attend hearings on Capitol Hill today when