'Choose Life' Message Banned in New York, 'America's Evil Empire State'

NEW YORK, Aug. 21, 2015 /Standard Newswire/ -- On Saturday, August 22, from 9 to 11 a.m., Dr. Elizabeth Rex, President of The Children First Foundation (CFF) will proudly display her organization's "banned" Choose Life banner and their "banned" pro-adoption "Choose Life" license plate with its positive "Choose Life" message in front of Planned Parenthood's National Office located at 434 W. 33rd Street in New York City.
Dr. Rex and her organization will be joining thousands of concerned citizens all across America who are co-sponsoring a National Planned Parenthood Protest Rally on Saturday, August 22, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. in front of Planned Parenthood clinics to protest the harvesting and selling of aborted baby body parts and demanding that state and federal government officials investigate and defund Planned Parenthood.
Rex invites "concerned New Yorkers to join us in this massive humanitarian protest. It is time to 'choose life' and put 'children first' in our great nation that is 'dedicated to the proposition that all men [women and children, too] are created equal.'"
Inexplicably, CFF's pro-adoption "Choose Life" banner was recently "banned" by the 2015 NYC St. Patrick's Day Parade Committee that proudly welcomed a gay group's banner and invited Cardinal Dolan to be its Grand Marshal on March 17, 2015. As reported in the Wall Street Journal on September 11, 2014, the original "deal" and "change of policy" was to allow the gay banner only if a pro-life banner was also allowed to march.
On May 22, 2015, in a devastating split-decision, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with Governor Cuomo's DMV Commissioner and Attorney General Schneiderman that CFF's New York "Choose Life" License Plate was "patently offensive" and could be "banned" by the NYS DMV without violating CFF's freedom of speech and equal protection under the Law.
Dr. Betsy McCaughey investigated this absurd appellate decision and wrote a scathing article entitled, "The DMV's Lunatic Speech Dictatorship." The NY Post concurred, adding the "DMV acts as if we live in Pyongyang." Clearly, New York State now merits its new title, "America's Evil Empire State."
Please visit www.choose-life.org to order a "Choose Life" License Plate or Frame for all of your cars in the 29 States and Washington, DC where Freedom of Speech and Equal Protection under the Law still exist. "Raising awareness and funding for pregnancy help centers is something positive all of us can do," said Rex.