2300 Pennsylvanians Ask Governor Corbett to Appeal Jones' DOMA Decision
Contact: Diane Gramley, 814-271-9078
FRANKLIN, Penn., June 19, 2014 /Standard Newswire/ -- The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) has delivered over 2300 petitions from concerned Pennsylvanians to Governor Corbett's Northwest Regional Office. The petitioners are asking Governor Corbett to appeal Judge John Jones' May 20th decision which declared our Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional.
"Pennsylvanians who understand what real marriage is are outraged that an unelected, activist judge has twisted the Constitution into something unrecognizable. They know Governor Corbett still has time to do the right thing and appeal this decision. It is critical that he act to protect the families -- the children -- of Pennsylvania from this decision. Their fate is in his hands and the people elected him to make wise decisions," Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA commented.
A new study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just last month reveals that children living in traditional, two-parent biological families are overwhelmingly safer than children living with just one biological parent or with non-parental caregivers. The study, which tracked data from the 2011-2012 National Survey of Children's Health, found that 70 percent of children raised by both biological parents had been completely free from traumas, which the researchers called "adverse childhood events."
"Judge Jones has twisted history and says the facts don't matter, but the facts point to the need for children to have a mom and a dad. The Pennsylvanians who signed petitions asking Governor Corbett to appeal Jones' decision understand history; they understand the need to provide children with the role models provided by a mom and a dad. They also understand the detrimental effect so-called same-sex marriage will have upon the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and are asking Governor Corbett to do the right thing for their children and grandchildren," continued Gramley.
FRANKLIN, Penn., June 19, 2014 /Standard Newswire/ -- The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) has delivered over 2300 petitions from concerned Pennsylvanians to Governor Corbett's Northwest Regional Office. The petitioners are asking Governor Corbett to appeal Judge John Jones' May 20th decision which declared our Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional.
"Pennsylvanians who understand what real marriage is are outraged that an unelected, activist judge has twisted the Constitution into something unrecognizable. They know Governor Corbett still has time to do the right thing and appeal this decision. It is critical that he act to protect the families -- the children -- of Pennsylvania from this decision. Their fate is in his hands and the people elected him to make wise decisions," Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA commented.
A new study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just last month reveals that children living in traditional, two-parent biological families are overwhelmingly safer than children living with just one biological parent or with non-parental caregivers. The study, which tracked data from the 2011-2012 National Survey of Children's Health, found that 70 percent of children raised by both biological parents had been completely free from traumas, which the researchers called "adverse childhood events."
"Judge Jones has twisted history and says the facts don't matter, but the facts point to the need for children to have a mom and a dad. The Pennsylvanians who signed petitions asking Governor Corbett to appeal Jones' decision understand history; they understand the need to provide children with the role models provided by a mom and a dad. They also understand the detrimental effect so-called same-sex marriage will have upon the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and are asking Governor Corbett to do the right thing for their children and grandchildren," continued Gramley.