Christian Freedom International Delivers Urgent Petitions to Capitol Hill -- Voters Tell Congress to Act Now to Free Imprisoned Americans Saeed Abedini and Kenneth Bae

FRONT ROYAL, Va., Feb. 12, 2014 /Standard Newswire/ -- For over a year two American citizens have been imprisoned in foreign countries in direct violation of their human rights. Saeed Abedini of Idaho, held in Iran, and Kenneth Bae of Washington, held by North Korea. Both men are in prison for their Christian faith. Our Administration has failed to secure their release.
In July 2012, 33-year-old Saeed Abedini was imprisoned in Iran for the simple crime of being a Christian. Kenneth Bae, a 44-year-old missionary, was arrested in the repressive nation of North Korea in November 2012, and convicted of committing "hostile acts against the republic" in May 2013.
While Christian Freedom International spent much of the last year raising awareness of the plight of both men with ongoing prayer alerts and updates, we have determined to extend our efforts on behalf of Abedini and Bae to the fullest extent.
Christian Freedom International President Jim Jacobson has called the long-term imprisonment of these American Christians "shameful" and a "national embarrassment." Momentum has finally begun to build. Now is the time to speak out, to bring pressure for action, to be a voice for what is right.
Christian Freedom International's ongoing petition campaign has delivered over 1300 electronic cries of protest to voters' U.S. Representatives, Senators, Secretary of State John Kerry, and President Obama on behalf of two imprisoned American citizens.
"The petition campaign has brought a significant response," said CFI Executive Director Lisa Jones. "We will heap pressure on Congress, and bring accountability to the Obama Administration. This issue has finally gotten some traction. Now is not the time to step back and hope for the best; now is the time to push harder."
Christian Freedom International's Petition to Free Kenneth and Saeed is still open. Go to now for more information, or to sign and send your petition. Every day that is added to their captivity is an outrage.
Christian Freedom International is a non-denominational human rights organization providing real solutions to conditions of oppression and misery caused by religious persecution.