Contact: Mark Harrington, Created Equal, 614-419-9000,
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Feb. 6, 2015 /Standard Newswire/ -- On February 4, 2015, Created Equal's team of young pro-life demonstrators was attacked outside Columbus Beechcroft High School (Ohio). Video of the incident reveals a homeowner crossing the street to berate the activists before stealing, destroying their signs.
- Video: Created Equal Attacked at Beechcroft High School (
The homeowner crossed the street to the public sidewalk outside the school where Created Equal had set up. He shouted, "Get 'em out of here or I am going to break 'em." He proceeded to knock over and steal signs, wrenching them out of the hands of Jami Beer, Created Equal's Director of Campus Outreach.
The homeowner took the corrugated plastic signs across the street and broke them before throwing them into the street in front of traffic.
A police report was filed, and Created Equal is pressing charges.
"In a culture killing its children, unfortunately sometimes abortion advocates act violently against those who defend the children. Increasingly abortion supporters are resorting to unlawful and violent methods to oppose us. Nevertheless, we refuse to be intimidated into silence." -- Mark Harrington, Executive Director, Created Equal
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