The Church Must Stand

It's the Church that must continue to lead our world with Christ's message of hope and reconciliation.
Contact: U.S. Christian and Missionary Alliance, 719-599-5999
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Aug. 14, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- John Stumbo, President, U.S. Christian and Missionary Alliance, released the following:
Saturday's events in Charlottesville were yet another grim reminder of the racial hatred that plagues our world. Our spiritual adversary continues to seize every opportunity to pervert the rich, harmonious diversity our Father designed for His pleasure and our delight. Anyone who elevates or isolates one race reveals that they have no comprehension of the New Testament nor the Messiah who came to redeem and reconcile all people.
It's the Church that must continue to lead our world with Christ's message of hope and reconciliation. At this moment in American church history, I stand with my sisters and brothers whose heritage as earth's citizens differ from mine, but whose heritage as heaven's citizens is the same. I stand with them in grief, I stand with them in hope, I stand with them in prayer . . . and I call on our entire Alliance family to do the same.
With respect,
John Stumbo
President, U.S. C&MA
John Stumbo
President, U.S. C&MA