Prison Ministry Seeks a New Executive Director

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., June 18, 2015 /Standard Newswire/ -- Crossroad Bible Institute (CBI) is seeking a new executive director to lead its international prison ministry headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The executive director will lead Crossroad in accomplishing its mission: to equip the church to make disciples of people in prison, wherever they are incarcerated, preparing them for reentry to society with the truth of God's Word and the love of God's people.
As leader of the organization, Crossroad's new executive director will oversee the development and delivery of the ministry's correspondence Bible study courses and its advocacy resources for prisoners and their families. He or she will also direct the growth of CBI International and equip the local leaders of twenty-seven established and emerging satellite campuses around the world.
This search for new leadership comes as the result of Dr. David Schuringa's resignation from his position as Crossroad's president, which the board of directors accepted on May 22, 2015. The board has since appointed Dan Rinzema, a CBI board member and a local business owner, to serve as the interim executive director of the ministry.
Rinzema draws on many years of involvement with Crossroad; he has been a member of the CBI board of directors since 2002, as well as a CBI Instructor and a strong financial supporter of the ministry for over fifteen years. Rinzema has agreed to lead Crossroad until the executive director position is filled.
Until then, Crossroad's operations will continue uninterrupted, Rinzema affirmed. "Our staff and board of directors remain committed to the Scriptural call to 'remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison,'" he said. "Our confidence is in the Lord, and we trust that He will provide the right person in His perfect timing to lead the important work of Crossroad Bible Institute."
Crossroad Bible Institute is a nonprofit prison ministry with over 5,500 volunteer Instructors and over 30,000 students studying through satellite campuses on six continents. For a full description of the executive director position and instructions on how to apply, go to