North American African Missions Conference on April 24-27
Powerful equipping for those ministering to Muslims
Contact: Deb Lamont, 860-508-2091
ROCKVILLE, Conn., Feb. 10, 2014 /Standard Newswire/ -- The 12th annual North American Wolof Connection Network Conference will be held on April 24-27 at Union Church (photo), 3 Elm Street, in the Rockville section of Vernon. The theme will be "Breaking the Bonds," focusing on bringing freedom, hope and peace to the Wolof people of West Africa. Anyone ministering to unreached people, especially to Muslims, will benefit by attending.
The 2014 conference includes worship, prayer, plenary sessions, workshops, networking sessions and meals. Keynote speakers include Jose and France-Lise Oliveira, Chris Clayman and Kyle Pierson.
The Oliveiras have pastored the Dakar Evangelical Church in Senegal, served as Senegal field directors with United World Mission, helped to launch the Wolof Connection and Mission Inter Senegal, a church-planting agency in Senegal. The couple currently trains emerging leaders in Senegal and West Africa.
Clayman is Director of Global Gates Network, an organization that makes disciples among unreached people groups in cities. He has been involved in pioneer church planting in urban and rural West Africa. He now lives in New York City ministering to the Wolof and West African community.
Pierson is a former commercial real estate broker who now plants churches among unreached people groups, including the Wolof people, in New York City.
Workshop topics will include Bible story-telling, short-term missions opportunities in New York City, disciple-making, mobilizing churches for missions, and breaking the bonds of child illiteracy.
The Wolof people represent an estimated 43% of the entire population of Senegal, or nearly 2.5 million souls. Within the United States, large Wolof communities exist in major cities including New York City, Chicago and Atlanta.
Founded in 2001, the Wolof Connection Network consists of over 40 churches and missions agencies across the United States. This is the first year the conference has been held in New England. Since Union Church has sent missions teams to Wolof villages in Senegal since 2006, it is a particularly relevant venue for this conference. For details, please visit, the Wolof Connection Network page on Facebook, or call Union Church at 860.875.2559.