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Planned Parenthood: More Dead Children and Largest Budget Ever
Contact: Life Decisions International (LDI), Interviews, 703-203-3500 (please email if busy), E-Mail (for reporters/journalists); General E-Mail:
FRONT ROYAL, Va., Jan. 7, 2013 /Standard Newswire/ -- "For decades now, Planned Parenthood has operated the most proficient killing machine in the United States," said Douglas R. Scott, Jr., president of the Planned Parenthood watchdog organization Life Decisions International (LDI). "And the machine has set yet another record."
In a new report released by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), the group confesses to having slaughtered a record 333,964 preborn children last year, generating an estimated $150 million. Only 2,300 Planned Parenthood customers were referred to adoption agencies during the 2011-2012 fiscal year.
In 2010-2011, PPFA generated nearly $1.22 billion--the largest sum ever. The behemoth took in slightly less in the most recent fiscal year--nearly 1.2 billion.
PPFA's income included a hefty and ever-increasing check from American taxpayers. In 2009-2010, government funding reached a whopping $487.4 million. In 2010-2011 the figure jumped to $538.5 million. The total for 2011-2012 reached a staggering $542.4 million, which represents 45.2 percent of the group's total annual budget.
"Do you remember when Planned Parenthood was crying over the disastrous blow it claimed would have been done to healthcare for women if Susan G. Komen for the Cure were to stop funding the controversial group?" Scott asked. "'Women will die! Women will die!!' This is what everyone was told. Yet this 'not-for-profit' goliath ends every fiscal year with millions of dollars in 'excess revenue over expenses,'" Scott said, "which is also known by another name--'profit.'" The 'excess' for 2010-2011 alone was a record $155.5 million. In 2011-2012 alone, the excess was $87.4 million. Still, Planned Parenthood and its affiliates often make wild claims whenever a corporation, organization or government entity chooses to eliminate or cut funding. (Since the 2000-2001 fiscal year, PPFA has had a total "excess" of $771 million.)
On June 30, 2012, PPFA had net assets valued at $1,244.7 billion, of which $474.5 million was unrestricted, essentially making it a savings account.
PPFA sold more than 1.45 million "emergency" birth control kits, which is a slight decrease from past years. Every PPFA "clinic" dispenses "emergency" birth control. In the vast majority of cases, "emergency" birth control causes an abortion, but PPFA wrongly and intentionally claims the drugs prevent conception. Making this claim required PPFA and its allies to change the definitions of terms that had been widely accepted for centuries. PPFA has announced that it expects all of its affiliated centers to start committing abortions in the coming months.
PPFA tested 3,744.949 people for sexually transmitted diseases--a number that has steadily increased over the years. "The more access Planned Parenthood has to young people, the higher the rate of sexually transmitted disease," Scott said. "Abstinent teens do not get such sexually transmitted diseases; abstinent teens do not become customers of Planned Parenthood."
Scott said PPFA's greatest ally has always been public ignorance of its agenda and activities. "The Pro-Life Movement can be proud for its ongoing efforts to expose Planned Parenthood's true agenda," he said. "The more public 'black eyes' Planned Parenthood receives; the harder it will be for the group to get away with lying to and bullying the American people."
Life Decisions International (LDI) is dedicated to challenging the Culture of Death, concentrating on exposing and fighting the agenda of Planned Parenthood. LDI's chief project is a boycott of corporations that fund the abortion-committing giant. To learn more about Planned Parenthood, please click here.