Contact: Dr. Jessica Davis, Faith and Public Policy Institute, 609-955-3547
PRINCETON, N.J., Feb. 20, 2013 /Standard Newswire/ -- The U.S. Census Bureau utilizing the 2011 Supplemental Poverty Measure reported that 49.7 million Americans or 16% of the population (28% Hispanic, 26% Black, 17% Asian, and 14 % White) now live below the poverty line, annual income of $22, 811 for a family of four as a result of the unemployment rate, house devaluations, and unprecedented foreclosures during the Great Recession. The Faith and Public Policy Institute will launch the Eradicate Poverty Webinar Series on Saturday, March 2, 2013 at 9 AM (EST). Registration is now available on The following is the ten point agenda for the Webinar:
- Advocate for Children in Poverty in America including Quality Education.
- Decrease Unemployment Rate with Training Programs for Unskilled and Low Skilled Workers including Support of Veterans.
- Increase Minimum Wage ($8-$10) to Living Wage Salaries ($15-$20).
- Invest in Parents with the Head Start Program and Workplace Day Care.
- Develop Housing Rehabilitation Program including Low Density Public Housing.
- End Hunger and Food Insecurity including New Farming Initiatives with Urban and Regional Farming.
- Support Programs for Victims of Predatory Lenders including the Outcome of Homelessness.
- Major Overhaul of the Prison Industrial Complex.
- End Unfair Personal and Corporate Tax Breaks and Concessions.
- Support Entitlement Programs including Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
The President of the Faith & Public Policy Institute, Dr. Jessica Davis, states, "The faith community is the moral voice of America. The moral voice of America is saying, 'Remember the poor.' The author of 'The Other America,' Michael Harrington, stated that the only institution that can eradicate poverty is the federal government. If this is true, the faith community must hold the government accountable as we prepare to balance the Federal Budget. America is at a critical turning point. America has a moral responsibility to eradicate poverty."
The Faith & Public Policy Institute Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable, religious, and educational nonprofit organization in Princeton, New Jersey. The mission of the Faith and Public Policy Institute is to educate the faith community on domestic and foreign policy.
Inquiries should be sent to or call (609) 955-3547.
What: Eradicate Poverty Webinar
When: Saturday, March 2, 2013, 9:00 AM (EST)
Where: Click "Webinars" at
Who: Dr. Jessica Davis, Facilitator