Contact: Rev. Patrick Mahoney, 540-538-4741; Janet Kotowski, 240-606-3777
GERMANTOWN, Md., May 12, 2016 /Standard Newswire/ -- The event is named "Moment of Mercy" and the pro-life community will be calling for the State of Maryland to suspend Carhart's medical license pending a full investigation.
"Moment of Mercy" will take place on Sunday, May 22, at 1:30 P.M. on Wisteria Dr. in Germantown, MD which is located at the entrance to the Executive Park where Leroy Carhart's office is located.
Here is a link to the Facebook event page:
Carhart has just been named in the ongoing Congressional investigations into the sale of baby body parts by the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives.
Since Carhart's practice has opened, he has sent at least nine women to the hospital and a young woman died after getting a late-term abortion from him.
Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition based in Washington, D.C., states;
"When Leroy Carhart opened his late-term abortion business in Maryland, the pro-life community held a massive rally warning that we would see women leaving his clinic in ambulances and dying because of his barbaric and unprofessional practices. Sadly, this has been the case with at least nine women being taken to the hospital and a 29 year old woman dying at the hands of Leroy Carhart.
"This is a national disgrace and women deserve so much better than this. As a first step, we call upon the State of Maryland to suspend Leroy Carhart's medical license while a thorough investigation takes place. We are confident if they do their job, his late-term abortion business will close for good.
"Simply stated, the State of Maryland has to make a decision if they will put protecting a disgraced late-term abortionist above women's rights and quality health care. How many more women have to die or be rushed to the hospital before Maryland government officials act?"
Janet Kotowski, Clinic Manager for Germantown Pregnancy Choices, adds;
"It all began when Jennifer Morbelli died in February 2013 after her late term abortion, and now, nine more women have suffered emergencies needing ambulance transports from Leroy Carhart's Germantown Reproductive Health Services. The Maryland Board of Physicians needs to do the right thing and suspend his license while a full investigation is conducted. Women deserve better."
For more information or interviews contact:
Rev. Patrick Mahoney at: 540.538.4741
Janet Kotowski at: 240-606-3777