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Proven Pro-life Strategy to Win Elections, Hands Down

Free to download, a newly updated 24-page booklet with a strategy guaranteed to win the election!

Operation Rescue
June 6, 2024

WICHITA, Kan., June 6, 2024 /Standard Newswire/ -- Coauthors, Operation Rescue President Troy Newman and Senior Vice President Emeritus Cheryl Sullenger have 70 years of combined pro-life activism experience and proven strategies.
To win in the upcoming election, pro-life Americans must stop talking to deaf ears when encouraging fellow Americans to vote pro-life. Operation Rescue's newly updated booklet Refocusing the Pro-Life Movement for Victory offers strong pro-life talking points backed by decades of documentation that expose the atrocities of abortion.
Unfortunately, many voters do not have the same degree of conviction and compassion for life in the womb that those directly involved in the pro-life movement hold so close. These voters are more easily swayed by the emotion-based talking points of the abortion lobby about extreme cases involving rape and incest, or exaggerated health concerns. Emotion and fear are moving the masses to vote for extreme abortion initiatives, while truth is being kicked aside.
To motivate people to vote against pro-abortion amendments and vote for pro-life ballot initiatives and candidates, the whole truth about abortion must be told. That includes the details about the dark and dirty conditions inside killing centers all over the country.
Operation Rescue has been employing investigative techniques for decades that bring these startling revelations to the forefront, all so that the American people know the truth. Findings continue to include unqualified, poorly trained abortion facility staff; unsterilized surgical instruments; unsanitary conditions; patient injuries and deaths.
Time and time again, abortion clinic administrators have proven they have no idea how to operate a medical facility, regularly violating state regulations and statutes, putting mothers at increased risk. Furthermore, many states have legalized back-alley abortions by removing regulations that promote safety standards and reporting structures.
While pro-life initiatives have far too often gone on the defense and lost to the left's emotionally manipulative talking points about exceptions, it is time to adopt winning talking points that put the baby killers on the defense instead: 

  • Women are killed in abortion clinics.
  • Women are molested and raped in abortion clinics.
  • Abortion clinics cover for rapists and sex traffickers to profit from the abortions of victims.
  • Abortion clinics are unlicensed, dirty, and unregulated.
  • More late-term (in the eighth and ninth month) abortions are happening now than before Roe v. Wade was overturned. (Eight states now have no gestational limit.)
  • Abortion clinic staff lie to women about what is involved in chemical abortions and leave them to suffer the bloody, painful consequences on their own, resulting in record numbers of life-threatening, abortion-related emergency room visits and hospitalizations.

Read and download:
Refocusing the Pro-Life Movement for Victory.
You can use this effective strategy tool to educate voters, and during this vital election season, you can encourage and equip your elected officials and pro-life leaders by:

  • Sending a copy to your favorite political candidate.
  • Sending a copy to leaders of your state's pro-life initiatives.

This is the ONLY way we will win!

Click HERE to view this press release on the Operation Rescue website.

Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the U.S. Our goal is to expose abortion abuses, demand enforcement, save innocent lives, and build an Abortion-Free America.

Click here to support Operation Rescue.

SOURCE Operation Rescue

CONTACT: Troy Newman, President, 316-683-6790 ext. 111;
Anne Reed, Senior Policy Advisor, 316-683-6790