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Operation Rescue Thanks President Trump for Pardoning the Pro-Life Rescuers

Operation Rescue
Jan. 24, 2025

WASHINGTON, Jan. 24, 2025 /Standard Newswire/ — Thursday afternoon, President Trump pardoned 23 pro-life rescuers who were persecuted by the Biden/Harris weaponized U.S. Department of Justice. Americans across the country have waited anxiously for this day and are celebrating with these men and women as they return to their families.

Just before signing the Executive Order pardoning the rescuers, President Trump asserted they never should have been prosecuted and added, “This is a great honor to sign this.”

President of Operation Rescue Troy Newman said, “As the largest civil disobedience movement in American history with over 75,000 arrests for peaceful non-violent intervention on behalf of preborn infants in the late 80s and 90s, we relate to the plight of these men and women.”

Newman added, “Operation Rescue has taken the responsibility seriously to keep the public informed of their charges and sentences. Up-to-date location information was made available on our special Prisoners of Christ webpage so that these men and women would be flooded with letters of support and encouragement.

“It was, in fact, these men and women Operation Rescue chose for our annual 2024 Malachi Award,” said Newman.

“We could not possibly be more pleased that President Trump has set these heroes free! Rescuers are finally getting the respect they truly deserve for their devotion and courage in protecting the preborn.”

Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the U.S. Our goal is to expose abortion abuses, demand enforcement, save innocent lives, and build an Abortion-Free America.

Click here to support Operation Rescue.

SOURCE Operation Rescue

CONTACT: Troy Newman, President, 316-683-6790 ext. 111
Anne Reed, Senior Policy Advisor, 316-683-6790