Contact: Alexei Laushkin, Senior Director of Communications, Evangelical Environmental Network, 202-352-9920
WASHINGTON, Aug. 28, 2012 /Standard Newswire/ -- For the first time since 1985, Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFÉ) standards have been finalized, raising fuel economy standards for passenger vehicles to 54.5 mpg by 2025. "10 years after What Would Jesus Drive we finally have higher fuel economy standards that consumers are demanding," said Rev. Mitch Hescox President & CEO of the Evangelical Environmental Network. "This is good for our wallets, human health, job creation, and national security," Hescox went on to say.
With the standards announced today the average family will still save from $6,000 to $8,000 through the life of the vehicle. About 45 percent of our daily petroleum use goes toward driving our cars and light trucks -- 3.1 billion barrels per year, the equivalent of 620 Gulf Oil Spills.
Soot, smog, ozone-forming volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxide and carbon pollution contribute mightily to polluted air across the US. While we have made progress, 41% of Americans still suffer pollution levels that are too dangerous to breathe according to the American Lung Associations' State of The Air 2012 Report. 127 million American face increased heart attacks, asthma, and premature death from our dirty air and the new CAFÉ standards provide another step in protecting public health. This standard is truly good for all America.
Retired military, carmakers, labor unions, health care professionals, and other stakeholders all speak in favor of these standards. "There is broad bipartisan support for the need for fuel economy standards, the first fuel economy standards were signed by President Gerald Ford," said Rev. Hescox. When making a car purchase 42 percent of consumers, in a recent Maritz Research study, now rate fuel economy as a top priority.
In 2002, EEN launched What Would Jesus Drive an educational campaign, which included a 30-second TV spot. That next summer EEN did a 14-city What Would Jesus Drive Bible Belt Tour with speaking engagements at local churches.
"We'd love to see even further innovation. When companies invest in what consumers are demanding and what’s good for God's creation, it's a win, win" said Rev. Mitch Hescox. Let's work together to set a high standard of excellence that will encourage America's true entrepreneurial spirit.
View the original TV spot at