SIM Missionary David Writebol Completes Medical Monitoring Period; Visits Wife Nancy at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta

Contact: Palmer Holt, 704-662-2569,
CHARLOTTE, N.C., Aug. 18, 2014 /Standard Newswire/ -- SIM Missionary David Writebol (photo) made the following statement today upon completion of his 21-day medical monitoring period Sunday, Aug. 17, and reunion later that day with wife, Nancy, who is being treated for Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta:
"It has been three weeks since Nancy and I learned of her infection with the Ebola virus. In the ensuing days, we learned much more about the disease than we already knew. We also learned a great deal about the love and compassion of people toward Nancy through the overwhelming outpouring of prayers and well-wishes on our behalf. For this we are truly grateful.
"I have completed the 21-day period of precautionary temperature and health monitoring and reporting as mandated by local and state public health authorities, with no symptoms of Ebola Virus Disease. I therefore was cleared to travel to Emory University Hospital to be reunited with Nancy and observe her recovery and return to health. My family and I look forward to her speedy restoration, and we give thanks for continued prayers on her behalf.
"I have had the great joy to be able to look through the isolation room glass and see my beautiful wife again. We both placed our hands on opposite sides of the glass, moved with tears to look at each other again. She was standing with her radiant smile, happy beyond words. She is continuing to slowly gain strength, eager for the day when the barriers separating us are set aside, and we can simply hold each other. We prayed together over the intercom, praising our great and mighty God for his goodness to us."
SIM ( is an international Christian mission organization with a staff of nearly 3,000 workers from over 50 countries serving in more than 65 nations. In addition to medicine, SIM serves on every continent in areas of education, community development, public health and Christian witness. While SIM stood for Sudan Interior Mission when it was founded 120 years ago, it is now a global mission known as SIM (pronounced S-I-M).
Photo: SIM Missionary David Writebol
SIM will have no further comment today, nor will it be granting interviews. All questions related to quarantine are directed to the Mecklenburg County Health Department. To schedule a future interview with Bruce Johnson, president of SIM USA, contact Palmer Holt at 704-662-2569 or