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Pro-life Leaders to Stage Sit-in/Pray-in at the Office of Speaker John Boehner in Washington, D.C.

Contact: Rev. Patrick Mahoney, 540-538-4741; Jill Stanek, 815-274-2744

WASHINGTON, March 5, 2015 /Standard Newswire/ -- The peaceful civil disobedience will take place on Wednesday, March 25, at 11:00 A.M.

Speaker Boehner's office is located at 1011 in the Longworth House Office Building in Washington, D.C.

The name of the event is #FreeTheBan. Here is the link to the Facebook Event Page:

The planned activities are in response to Republicans reneging on their promise to vote on "The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act" this past January 22, which was the Roe v. Wade Memorial.

After this betrayal of American's children and the pro-life movement, republican leadership promised they would reschedule a vote immediately.  Sadly, this has not happened. In fact, TWO MONTHS have now passed.

Organizers are inviting pro-life activists from around the nation to join with them as they stand in solidarity with our nation's children and call upon Speaker Boehner to reschedule a vote.

Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition in Washington, D.C., states:

    "It was stunning that Republicans broke their promise to vote on the 'Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act' on January 22, while hundreds of thousands of pro-life activists were marching in Washington, D.C. This was not only a betrayal of the pro-life movement, but a betrayal of America's children.

    "We are coming to Speaker Boehner's office to be a voice for the innocent children who die every day in America from the violence of abortion and call upon him to schedule a vote on banning ALL abortions after 20 weeks. As we pray and peacefully risk arrest, we are saying that Republican leadership should cease all business in the House until this legislation has been rescheduled.

    "A simple question must be put to Republican leadership. Why should the pro-life community work passionately in 2016 to elect a Republican president and Congress if they will only turn around and ignore and neglect America's children and violate the principles of human rights and justice for all?"

Jill Stanek, prominent pro-life speaker, author, blogger and former RN, adds:

    "I hope Republican leadership does not think that with the passage of time pro-lifers will forget about the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. This is why I am coming to Washington, D.C., from Illinois for the protest.

    "It was a travesty for House GOP leaders to renege on their promise to vote on this ban against abortion past 20 weeks on January 22. 

    "Pro-lifers have been more than patient despite this betrayal.  But now, two months have passed.  We want the Pain Capable Act called for a vote, and for it not to be any more watered down than it already was.  There should have been no rape/incest exception. But removing the reporting requirement would not only give late-term abortionists a big loophole, it would hurt pregnant rape victims as well as other potential victims of sexual perpetrators whose crime should be prosecuted."

For more information or interviews call:
Rev. Patrick Mahoney at  540.538.4741 
Jill Stanek at  815.274.2744