Coptic Solidarity Launches Voter Registration Campaign for American Copts
Coptic Solidarity
Feb. 12, 2020
WASHINGTON, Feb. 12, 2020 /Standard Newswire/ -- Today Coptic Solidarity launched a new campaign called "Copt the Vote," which promotes Coptic voter registration and participation in the US Census. Copts in the US are not typically politically active, causing their community to be seriously under-represented in the US. As such, Coptic issues in Egypt continue to be overlooked and often misrepresented by American policy makers.
According to the 2010 U.S. Religion Census, just over 92,000 Copts reside in the US—a remarkably low number considering that the US Coptic population now exceeds half a million.
Copts represent a large minority in the United States but are not well represented in key policy decisions. Having an accurate Census would greatly empower diaspora Copts to make their voices heard in US policy, including on behalf of Copts in Egypt who currently live as second class, if not persecuted citizens.
Approximately 4 out of 5 Christians in the greater Middle East are Coptic, beyond Egypt. Coptic Christians often face persecution and, in some cases, human rights abuses. This minority population is often overlooked, even though there are more than 10 million in Egypt.
"Larger minority groups have their issues noticed by policy makers," Rep. French Hill shared at the Coptic Solidarity Conference. "This is why it is so important for Copts in the US to make their voices heard."
By mobilizing the more than half a million Copts living in the United States, Coptic Solidarity is hopeful that more policy makers will become involved in issues impacting Copts, and that as a result, there will be greater accountability towards governments like Egypt who treat Copts as second class citizens.
"Make your voice count and go vote," stated Caroline Doss Esq., President of Coptic Solidarity. "Become politically active. Our people in Egypt need you."
Coptic Solidarity is partnering with local communities to host voter registration events. To learn more and become involved, contact coptadvocacy@copticsolidarity.org Coptic Solidarity is utilizing resources and a registration form provided by Rock the Vote. Coptic Solidarity is a non-partisan, non-profit advocating equal citizenship rights for the Copts in Egypt. The organization does not align with a particular political party, and instead works with politicians from both sides of the aisle to get things done. Coptic Solidarity will not receive any personal contact information when individuals register to vote.
Coptic Solidarity is an organization seeking to help minorities, particularly the Copts, of Egypt. We support those in Egypt working for democracy, freedom, and the protection of the fundamental rights of all Egyptian citizens, and advocate in cooperation with the affiliated organizations in Canada and in Europe (Solidarité Copte). For more information, contact Lindsay Griffin at 801-512-1713 or coptadvocacy@copticsolidarity.org.
SOURCE Coptic Solidarity
CONTACT: Lindsay Griffin, 801-512-1713, coptadvocacy@copticsolidarity.org
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