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Evangelist Alveda King: Let Freedom Ring for Everyone

Contact: Leslie Palma, 732-757-9087

ATLANTA, July 3, 2018 /Standard Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Evangelist Alveda King: 

    While Independence Day, July 4th, is usually celebrated with bar-b-que cookouts, family gatherings, those kinds of things, there is much beyond the celebratory efforts that demand our prayers. We must give credence to the importance of justice and independence across the spectrum.

    Remember, we just celebrated Juneteenth last month. Coming up on August 28, I Have a Dream Day will mark the anniversary of the famous speech MLK gave in 1963 where he noted that there was a check marked 'Insufficient Funds;' and that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have not been achieved for all of God's children.

    Here in America we are blessed to have a president who believes in the sanctity of life, from the womb to the tomb. There's a lot of work going forth out of Washington and around America to end the war in the womb and the human trafficking in this nation and around the world.

    At Priests for Life, Fr. Frank Pavone often talks about electing public officials who can 'tell the difference between serving the public and killing the public.'

    On Independence Day there's so much that we have to be thankful for; like family, home, health, and good friends. Someone blessed me with a flag while I was on the road. As we see in the selfie, it's a lovely flag. I'm grateful for the sentiment. God bless America.

    Let's pray for President Trump as he appoints a new Supreme Court Justice who will further the blessings of life, liberty, and the pursuit happiness. Let Freedom Ring for Everyone!

    During the holidays, I reflect on the many lessons learned from my elders, Guardians of the King Family Legacy. My dad, Rev. AD King and my mother, Naomi Ruth Barber King, Granddaddy, Daddy King, Martin Luther King, Jr. will ever remain part of my American Dream.

    These are memories, hopes and dreams that we celebrate this season. Let's never forget that we are One Blood/One Human race with the unique opportunity to "learn to live together as brothers [and sisters]" and not perish together as fools.

    Let's pray for liberty and justice for everyone; enjoy a safe and blessed Independence Day!

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