In Defense of Whites Using the 'N-Word'

Jesse Lee Peterson exposes black 'manipulation' through 'false guilt, fear, sympathy'
LOS ANGELES, June 12, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- Founder and president of BOND, Jesse Lee Peterson (photo) releases the following and is available for comment:
Dear white people: You have been brainwashed. In your brainwashing, you are surrendering your freedom, sanity and country. We all know that most blacks are brainwashed – they hate good, excuse evil, blame whites and elect the worst people as "leaders." All angry people are brainwashed, because all angry people believe lies. One sign of mass delusion is the reaction by blacks and whites to the so-called "N-word" – "nigger."
Blacks don't care about the so-called "N-word." They care about manipulating whites with false guilt, fear and sympathy.
Last week I wrote about the melodrama of LeBron James, who said, "Being black in America … it's tough," after the gate of one of his fancy homes was supposedly vandalized with the so-called "N-word." It could be another "hate-crime" hoax – no perpetrator found – yet liberals blame "racism in America."
Last month, comedian and talk-show host Bill Maher was invited to "work in the fields" by Nebraska Republican Sen. Ben Sasse. Maher jokingly balked, "Work in the fields? Senator! I'm a house nigger!" It was a funny comment, good-natured, ironic (he's a white Jew), self-deprecating (as one of America's most recognized entertainers) and true (he works indoors, not manual labor outdoors). The crowd laughed and applauded. But leftists forced Maher to apologize – repeatedly. Unfortunately, Maher complied.
HBO promised to cut Maher's funny "N-word" joke out of future airings of the show. Black Lives Matter agitator DeRay Mckesson said Maher "has to go." Maher said he lost sleep that night, admitted he was "wrong" (he wasn't) and apologized (for no reason but appeasement). RINO Sen. Ben Sasse sanctimoniously tweeted about his "responsibility" to correct Maher, suggesting Maher's use of the "N-word" was an attack on "human dignity." Liberal Sen. Al Franken canceled his appearance on "Real Time with Bill Maher" in fake outrage.
The following week, Maher interviewed "intellectual" Michael Eric Dyson, a "black preacher" called by his mama (not by God). Dyson thinks blacks "can't be racist" but that somehow whites can. (In reality, "racism" does not exist. There is only hate, and most blacks have that in spades.) This man is blind as a bat. But Maher was forced to grovel in a ridiculous display, saying his use of the word "caused pain." It didn't. He's absolutely wrong about that.
Black pain is from black anger inherited not from a "legacy of racism," but from angry, single, black mothers and grandmothers, and by weak, phony, black "men" and women posing as preachers and leaders. Read more.
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson's book, "The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood."